Reviews for Untouchable
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
This is the most beautiful Bayonetta fanfiction ever. And the best explanation for her and Jeanne's awesome glasses. Bayonetta wears them cause she's used to her mask, Jeanne wants to share the memory and leaves her specs in her hair even when not wearing them. Beautiful, just beautiful. I'm gonna accept this as CANON.
beebo2579 chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
I wasn't expecting to find such good Bayonetta fanfiction on here! The language seems a little forced at times and there's a few sentences that could be reworded, but you captured the characters excellently. I love that you made Bayonetta and Jeanne bring out different sides in each other; Bayonetta becoming more relaxed and vulnerable and Jeanne becoming more light-hearted when it's just the two of them. I also love how there's so much sexual tension, but everything is implied and it's up to the reader to decide what was really going on between them, I thought that was really fantastic.
Solution 9 chapter 1 . 9/2/2011
I absolutely loved this fic. It was so well described it was practically effortless to visualize everything. Not only that but the characters are spot on. I already liked JeannexBayonetta before, but I think this is the only time i've actually read something worth while for them. It's an interesting perspective into Jeanne's and Bayonetta's relationship during the Umbra witch trials, and I easily have fallen for this conceptual pairing all over again thanks to you. You're an amazing writer.
T.E. Takeuchi chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
Ah, you have a beautiful way with words! That, and you nailed both characters perfectly. I commend you on that. I can't seem to get Jeanne right.

Also, wonderful story! I love the interaction between Cereza and Jeanne in Jeanne's memory. It fits perfectly.
Artisa chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Awesome! I absolutely loved this! _ I love how loyal Jeanne is to her friend and Bayonetta's sarcasm and slightly care-free nature are all perfectly in character!

Very well written, but that's no surprise, is it? :)
DunningKrugerExplainsAll chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
"If you'd dispense with your lecturing for a few moments and stop to listen, you'd realise that there's no one here. We could sing at the top of our lung and never be heard. In fact—" She opened her mouth, presumably to demonstrate, and quickly found it full of palm.

Heh heh. Subjected to constant hatred and abuse at the hands of her fellow Umbra, it’s easy to imagine that Cereza’s only means of fighting back lay in employing corrosive cheek and insolence. It’s a nice image, all those stuck-up witches persecuting the outcast, and the outcast hurling sarcasm and disrespect at them in return. Obviously, Jeanne gets a softer version of this than the rest of the Sisters…

And I much prefer your depiction of a defiant Cereza, with a ‘screw-you’ sort of strength.

"the beautiful 'punchline', of course, being the Cereza actually beats Jeanne in the game, thereby proving that 'impure blood' isn't so weak and vile after all..."

Yes, and I like to imagine the witches going batshit insane and flagellating themselves in horror and amazement that one of their precious, pure Sisters was beaten by a crossbreed.

Can’t think of concrit, so you’re obviously doing something right…