Reviews for Selfish Reasons
Rosepetal987 chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
-Yes, and Norway is Norge, yet Denmark only becomes Danmark, what is up with these Nordics and their names?-

Denmark really is selfish...but Sweden only wants Tino, and Tino is just so adorable and innocent and fragile~ Den really does have some good acting skills, or Su-san is just bad at reading people, maybe both. Either way, it was a nice show of Den's side of things~ 3 ~Hun
PianoIsLove chapter 1 . 10/5/2010
This was incredible, and I loved how you referenced my two OTPs in one story. :DD (RusFin and SweDen) Thank you!
NotaPunk chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
I loved this, and my heart ached for both of them
Cattiechaos chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
3 Love. I saw this linked on the Hetalia comm at LJ and I'm so glad I checked it out. I've never really been a fan of SuFin, but SuDen? Amazing. Just because it has Denmark, of course. This was just really well written, I really enjoyed reading it :3 Oh Denmark, drinking alone...the mark of an alcoholic and/or a scorned lover xD.
fanciful.thoughts chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
So much love for you for writing this. ;~:

Honestly, I've been waiting so goddamn long for a fic like this to crop up- as I'm too lazy to write a quality DenSu fic myself. And this was exactly what I was looking for.

Ah, Danmark and his unrequited love, Sweden and his adorable confusion... This made me quite happy in the soul. Going straight to favorites.

And, perhaps, one day... a sequel might appear? :3

In any case, I shall keep hoping as much. Thank you for bettering the world with more DenSu.