Reviews for Sit In My Corner
Guest chapter 20 . 1/12
This has been a fluffy and an utterly perfect ride. I loved it! So cute xx J
gleefanforever09 chapter 20 . 3/21/2015
Love it please write more
floatingmagic chapter 5 . 2/25/2015
robsgirl96 chapter 20 . 1/25/2013
I know it's been a while since you updated, but I hope you finish this story. :)
Etoile87 chapter 5 . 11/20/2012
"Are you admitting that I have some crazy?" Rachel asked, looking up at him.
"Yes," he answered, dropping a kiss to her lips. "And it matches my crazy perfectly."

I loved this so much, because it summed up why they are so perfect for each other. They're both very focused and crazy-driven and 'out there,' but they understand and fit each other in a way no one else can.
brittana5 chapter 19 . 5/22/2012
Okay, so I hadn't read this fic yet, and I usually don't comment until I finish it or until I'm caught up, depending on the film, but you made a Rebecca reference and I just had to comment on how fabulous that was. Personally, I think it's Hitchcock's best work. And kind of perfect in an odd way for a honeymoon, especially a honeymoon.
Vienna98 chapter 20 . 5/1/2012
So sweet! You must continue with a St Berry baby story!
brikaspoms chapter 20 . 5/1/2012
Great story
MissRe chapter 20 . 5/1/2012
Awwww... too cute! Lots of actresses work while pregnant. She could easily go to her 5th or 6th month depending on how big she got. I think they would be great parents and I got a kick out of the Love Never Dies poke. Great job!
Autumn DeMayne chapter 19 . 12/15/2011
Okay, so since you didn't put complete on this, even though it could end here, I put this on alert just in case you update this. :)
RiTa-MD chapter 19 . 11/25/2011
Lately, I kinda ran out of my daily dose of St Berry goodness... I was sooo glad when I fond yours. Thank you and I hope you'll find time to update soon !
Broadwayfreak5357 chapter 9 . 8/21/2011
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I loved this chapter :D FLUFFFFFFFFFFF! Take me or leave me is one of my favorite songs :D It was so perfect :) :) :)

xx Sage
Giniethewriter chapter 19 . 6/4/2011
I honestly do not know how to explain my feelings toward this story that you wrote..One of the reasons I wanted to have an account was just to review on your story. I've been wanting to review it for about a month now, and have been getting impatient for my account to work for this! You are such an amazing author in so many different ways that words defeat me. You are actually stated as one of my favorite authors because of how much chemistry you create between two characters that you didn't even make up yourself! I have read practically ALL of your stories and this one is by far my ultimate favorite out of the many you have uploaded onto Fanfiction. I absolutely LOVE the way you write in every single story, and Sit In My Corner was just bursting with creativity..I felt like a movie was playing in my head when you described the scenes with such extroadinary detail! I would usually give tips to people on how they can have the chance to make something already great better, but yours was everything I wanted to read and more. Thank you for having such outstanding writing skills and giving me the sincere pleasure of reading them, you're wonderful!

P.S One of my favorite scenes in your story was when Rachel took out Jesse's coffee cup and he thought she was going to drink the first cup, but she gave it back to him to drink! Just adorableness! I'd love for you to give me tips on how to improve MY writing too..that would be a complete dream! Your Genuine Fan, Ginie B.

ChloeSianSullivan chapter 19 . 5/31/2011
Aww a St Berry wedding :) It was a pity the other Glee club members couldn't have been there but It was still awesome! More soon please?
jayley chapter 9 . 5/2/2011
god that was too cute! i'm gonna have to go find a boyfriend who can serenade me now
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