Reviews for Crossing Lines
Isolde Jansma chapter 4 . 1/2/2011
MMhhhmmm... I am so looking forward to the next story. Poor MAlcolm, poor Beckett, poor Jen. But at least Mikey and Teyla are finally seeing sense. :D After a fashion.
LantienLady chapter 4 . 1/1/2011
I love your thread of Ronon searching out Teyla’s friend in order to tell her about Teyla’s fate. Like all the characters you touch in your stories, Ronon is beautifully written, and comes to life even more than what we see in the actual television series.

You bring us back to the Malcolm/Isla thread in these final Acts of this Episode. Your perspective on the ways of the wraith are so unexpected and a treat to follow. Theirs is definitely a harsh reality – at least from a human’s perspective. The twisted politics between hive Commanders, the treatment of Isla before the queen, and Malcolm’s mysterious connection to Isla, are all so exciting to read. Every section you write of the wraith is read with great anticipation!

Once again in this Act you created a head-spinning ride of action as you switched rapidly from one point of view to another. The love scene between Michael and Teyla was tenderly and tastefully presented, projecting their intense feelings towards each other. I also noticed that you are slowly having Teyla recognized as the queen of Michael’s hive:

“The hybrid, she noted, slipped his eyes respectfully toward the floor of the Hive… almost an obeisance.”


“Behind them, the hybrid bowed his head in obedience, and left the Queen's Quarters.”

Something else is going on with Teyla too – I’ve picked up on some of the hints. I’m looking forward to seeing where you’re going with this in your next installment.

Thanks for the unsettling cliff hanger you left us with in Act 5(NOT). You always know how to leave us wanting for more! Until the next Episode, thanks Eirian1! Crossing Lines was a great read!
LantienLady chapter 3 . 1/1/2011
Happy New Years, Eirian1! I’m catching up on my reviews today!

Poor Jennifer! What did Todd do to her, and why? She seems to be turning into a wraith! Is it a means to create more wraith queens? I’m hoping that you will be bringing Todd back into the picture soon, so we can understand his motives.

The fight scene between John and Michael, with Teyla in the background was expertly presented. I like the way you moved around from the different characters' perspectives. It is a very clever way to write and I enjoy it immensely. The action was non-stop from the Daedalus to Rodney to the attacking wraith to John to Michael to Teyla. Around and around you jumped in a head-spinning action-packed manner! I can’t say it enough – the action around the fight between John and Michael was spectacular!

Well, the previous Act had me thinking that Teyla was having a change of mind with Michael. I guess I was way off on that one. It seems their relationship, though stormy and unpredictable, is true and solid. I like that. You have not softened Michael’s character very much at all, despite his need to care and protect Teyla. Teyla’s empathetic nature is also intact and may still sway his reasoning. Their discussions and moments together were very beautiful and tenderly written.

Thanks for the roller-coaster ride in this Act!

Elle's Daisy chapter 4 . 12/27/2010
Awesome chapter! Look forward to the next one... which better be explaining what's wrong with Teyla!
EragonPeep chapter 4 . 12/24/2010
Ooo! Very good! I like how Michael's character is...opening up to Teyla and being more affectionate. What's this? Doctor Beckett has gone to see Michael? Hmmm...that'll be interesting to read more about in your next story!

Keep up the fantastic job!

Running Deer chapter 4 . 12/22/2010
Another update - Yes! :) Talk about developments and more intrigue and a little mystery. I am going to have to reread again. It is just a fantastic story, I look forward to the next segment of this awesome story. Have a great Christmas.

Running Deer
LantienLady chapter 2 . 12/16/2010
Welcome back Eirian1. I'm so glad that you have been able to get back to this fantastic story!

I'm surprised - and yet not surprised - that Teyla's conscience has starting haunting her for falling in love with Michael after all that he has done. Michael is a very scary, unpredictable, and dangerous character. I really like the way you have written him.

I also like the way you have described Malcolm and his treatment of Isla. You remind us that wraith are not human and are not soft, gushy, and potentially lovable as some other stories depict them (which I shamelessly enjoy too!). I hope that Isla and Malcolm are able to be together again, but I guess it's not going to be all that easy. Especially after the line: "He shook his head to banish the thoughts of clemency for this one from his mind." Sigh...

I worry about what is happening with Jennifer. I love the character that you brought in to help Carson - Dr. Haddad. I don't quite understand what is she means by the line "I fear that I am the one you wish will spare you from your last hope.". Another interesting thread in the complex tale that you are weaving!

At the end of this Act, your Sheppard/Rodney banter is always entertaining. Sheppard chasing after Michael and declaring with the line: "Got you, you mass-murdering-son-of-a-bitch!", made me smile.

The tension in your last scene is intense! Teyla and Michael in conflict again. Michael being his usual menacing, uncompromising self. Teyla being unsure where she stands with him. Sheppard about to find out that Teyla is still alive. Excellent cliff hanger! And now that I've written this review, I have given myself permission to find out what happens next :-)

Thanks Eirian1 for Act 2 of this exciting episode!

4silentrunning chapter 3 . 12/15/2010
Awesome update and quick too. More developments and now John knows about Teyla and Michael. It is very interesting, do hope you will update soon. Fantastic epic story.
EragonPeep chapter 3 . 12/13/2010
Wow! Quickest update in a while!

Keep up the good work!

Running Deer chapter 3 . 12/13/2010
Another awesome update - glad you updated quickly. So Teyla is totally besotted with Michael. Poor Sheppard, I do feel sorry for him. Jennifer, is in a real bad way, and Varnerin, he really is a mean character. Do hope they find a solution for her soon.

Hope the next act will be up before end of year, great to finish it off with. Great chapter.
Running Deer chapter 2 . 11/29/2010
I have been so looking forward to this update and haven't been disappointed. Wow the plot is definitely thickening. I do hope John finally realizes that Teyla is alive and stops blaming Todd.

Poor Isla, I feel so sorry for her. Being dismissed from Malcolms service like that and seeing another take her place. So heart wrenching. And Malcolm, is a fool for letting her go and he knows it I'm sure.

And such a mystery surrounding the research that Becket is doing and now this mysterious Dr Haddad. This research is as clear as mud at the moment, but I suspect we will find out more as the next chapters arrive.

I do hope you will update sooner rather than later for this epic story. As i really gotta know what is happening.
Elle's Daisy chapter 2 . 11/28/2010
I absolutely loved the chapter. But now I'm wondering what's wrong with Teyla... what did Michael see? What a cliffy! Now I have to wait... Glad to see the update. And once again, Congrats! ) Hopefully Teyla gets to stay with Michael.
EragonPeep chapter 2 . 11/28/2010
Yay! Updated! :D Hmmm...I wonder what Michael saw and why that has made him angry?

Keep up the fantastic work!

LantienLady chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
Yay! You've finally been able to update your ongoing series. I LOVE your work, and am thrilled with the gift of another terrific chapter!

I must begin with letting you know that I really appreciate your style of adding a summary at the start of your chapter on what happened previously. For such a long series, this is extremely helpful in remembering what happened.

You did warn me in your message that hard times were coming for Malcolm and Isla. Their heartbreaking situation was skillfully written - especially the line: "...and unique and ancient among Wraith, Malcolm reached up to his face and wiped away the lone tear that tracked toward his heart." I had to actually stop reading and grieve for their horrible situation. Nicely done - you had me feeling the depth of emotion of these two characters.

Michael and Teyla's evolving relationship has been tenderly presented and beautifully written. What greater expression of love and devotion could Michael give Teyla than to call her "My Queen"? Especially realizing Micheal's hatred of the wraith Queens in this series.

Poor Jennifer. I'm a little confused at what is happening with her, but I'm sure it isn't good. Naughty Todd for seducing Jenn and doing this to her! I'm looking forward to more details on her situation.

Thanks for the high quality work you have posted, and I eagerly look forward to the next chapter!
4silentrunning chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
Glad you have written more. Looking forward to the next act, and what will happen with Isla now that she has been disowned, and who her replacement will be, and the growing tension between Malcolm and the Commander. John's desperation in trying to find Michael and Teyla and her collaboration with Michael. Then there is poor Jennifer, so many unanswered question here.

Do hope you update soon and so we can be find some answers!

Great story and looking forward to your next update soon I hope.
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