Reviews for The best sometimes forget
alicelouise'x chapter 16 . 5/19/2011
Wow. Just wow, I'm totally speechless. I mean, this was gorgeous!

You did a beautiful job in turning a children's fairytale into a story with the same fairytale, but much more, more deeper meaning to it.

I enjoyed every letter of this story. From Sarann learning how to get her brother into bed quietly, to her first pirate friend Tobias, to her enjoyment on the ship, to going back to her brother, handling Peter Pan and returning to the ship. Sharing a night with Hook and then bravely standing up to both men, Hook and Pan, just for her own sake and her little brother.

This story will absolutely be a story I will never ever forget. It was fantastic (:
empnk chapter 16 . 2/6/2011
I love this! It was really entertaining! I never knew what could happen next! I liked the way you interpreted the way neverland acts! It was really enjoyable! I feel really sorry for Sarann tho! I loved this anyway! Good Job! Keep up the good work!
GrimmaulDee chapter 16 . 1/3/2011
Wow, is all I have to say. I read Peter Pan recently and loved it. Your story is simply amazing! It is very well written, much like the book. Congragulations on completeing such an amazing adventure!
Anon chapter 16 . 10/22/2010
Well played. I very much enjoyed the story that you wove. The way you detailed the changes from normal human girl to Neverland pirate were well described but subtle enough to let the readers mind run a little rampant. The fights were better written than many I've ever read, and I congradulate you on your excellent weaving of the relationships between the three main players. I cannot help but feel sorry for Sarann though. After she went through all that hardship and strife, pushed herself to the very limits of her constitution, she gets nothing but more torture from her own memories. Writing out her adventures, and I use the term lightly, can feel like you're ripping out a part of yourself when you've finished; especially when the story is painful. She's still paying for what she did, and working hard to repay the Fairy for her help. But after she's done writing out everything to produce more belief in the fairies, what then? I don't really think that the only thing she could look foward to each day would be the writing of one of the, if not the most, dark times in her life would be conducive to moving on. It seems like that would be making her pay for her memories every day for the rest of her life. Will you not give Sarann something to live for?

Stefffles chapter 16 . 10/21/2010
This was amazing. It's one of my favourites (:

I can't give you enough praise for the wonderful job you've done on this story.
procrastinating artist chapter 16 . 10/21/2010
i like the ending! it's like you could read it over and over, it'd be like an endless circle! i think you ended it very well
Sofia10Soccer chapter 16 . 10/21/2010
Im sad it ended :(:( but it was a good story! Great job with writing it! I really enjoyed reading it :D:D
Epon Aruim chapter 16 . 10/21/2010
Aw! It's over! D:

But wow, what a ride. The best roller-coaster fanfic story I've read in a long time! It really showed the darker part of Neverland, like in the book.

I liked this ending. The fairy's request was a nice touch, and Sarann's reaction to everything that happened was appropriate, I think, though I do feel sorry for her, being so depressed. Thumbs up to her parents for not being nosy like mine! xD

I'd be interested in reading some of your original stories; is there a site you'd be comfortable with to post them up? I'll bet they're amazing!

Until another fanfic or original story!
Barbiegirl 22 chapter 16 . 10/21/2010
this was a good ending to a good story. she bring everything around and trys to prevent evil. well write on

barbie D
procrastinating artist chapter 15 . 10/19/2010
that was an epic battle scene! again, i really like your take on Neverland!
Epon Aruim chapter 15 . 10/19/2010
I'm two minds about this almost-ending. First off, it was absolutely riveting. I simply COULD NOT stop reading, not to blink, not to think, not to anything (except breathe, maybe). It was thrilling, and I love it that you weren't biased at all. You sang the praises of both sides and pointed out the flaws with both too, which I appreciate. The battle was amazing to imagine, and I'm glad Sarann and Jake got out safely.

Which brings me to my second opinion of the almost-ending, which basically is just that I wished there was a *little* bit more between the Captain and Sarann. But oh well, I think it was better and more in character this way. (After all, what pirate worth his salt lets himself go soft for a woman? xD)

I both anticipate and mourn the coming of the epilogue!
tragicbeauty1991 chapter 15 . 10/18/2010
Wow! This was an AMAZING chapter! I the end of the chapter where Sarann is trying to explain to Pan and Hook how futile their fight (or killing one another) is. You brought up some really great points, and honestly, I've kinda been waiting on someone to knock some sense into them! I love the characters, but they certainly can be stubborn and prideful! I can't wait to read the last chapter!
Stefffles chapter 15 . 10/18/2010
This chapter was so exciting!

I'm a bit sad to see this wonderful story come to an end.
Sofia10Soccer chapter 15 . 10/18/2010

I wonder whats going to happen... update as soon as u can pretty pleaseeeee!
procrastinating artist chapter 14 . 10/15/2010
sorry for not reviewing previous chapters, but i REALLY got into it. i REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY hope that you update soon! i think you did a great job with keeping characters in character (and even if they were out of character a bit, it was reasonable). Sarann is DEFINTELEY not a sue.

and i like how you personified Neverland... i never really thought of it that way...

this story is 12413762387264/10!
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