Reviews for New Life, Second Chances
D2n chapter 2 . 6/27
oh, I hope the story not that much describe other people feeling too much its just kind odd to me, just like Iruka scene in his head you describe an odd thought about Naruto being more mature, like a god tell him to feel and think this way when he's seen Naruto who just goes back to the past, he just like knows everything that happens to his students in one glance, that's kind off to me.
D2n chapter 1 . 6/27
why do you say Naruto still remembers his past, why not his future? his possible future?
and why others will remember their past too? is this mean that villain is possible to remember too? or it's all just how Naruto makes his dream in Tsukuyomi? or Naruto not actually in his past but in the past world?
Maybe I should keep reading the next chapters.
Raphael Blier chapter 14 . 5/25
If it's harem, I hope not only Naruto gets one ... I always liked the idea of Sasuke beign with both Sakura and Karin
Raphael Blier chapter 12 . 5/24
How to piss off Madara 101
Shadow chapter 24 . 5/23
I hope you come back to this, I really do like the idea of the story myself. Please I'd like to see more
rogD chapter 1 . 4/11
NodMPortant chapter 24 . 3/30
I'm really enjoying the story and hope that you update soon.
Popdude125 chapter 24 . 1/21
I’m guessing it’s too much to hope for any continuation?
Guest chapter 24 . 1/21
How soon will next chapter come, or did you stop writing?
AcidESP chapter 24 . 1/12
nice history, i hope to continue, see ya! bye!
FelineCube chapter 24 . 11/15/2019
Please, I’d really love some more! I hang on your every word!
Paul Lenzen chapter 24 . 11/11/2019
This is getting pretty good. I hope to read more eventually
TeraBaapBSDK chapter 3 . 10/12/2019
purely disgusting naruto here. you disgust me author. i am out.
TeraBaapBSDK chapter 2 . 10/12/2019
kavoss chapter 4 . 9/19/2019
kakashi already knows minato is naruto's dad
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