Reviews for Drugged
angellec chapter 1 . 1/9/2015
Hope I don't offend but this reminds me of the first scene in the pilot episode of QAF where the two main characters are on the roof in a similar situation. I am beginning to love your writing.
TheBigChillQueen chapter 1 . 12/18/2011
;_; PERFECT example of brotherly love! *sniff*

I love Sam's last statement 8') And how he holds Dean close to him X3333 So cute!
Tuppence chapter 1 . 9/24/2010
Dude, don't have to tell us the last comment is pure affection and fear and love! The whole drabble radiates these three. And AWWWWWWWWWWWW. With a bit more Awwwwwwwwwww. And with a side helping of awwwwwww.

This drabble is just brimming with a whole lotta angst and love and affection and co-dependence and it's so adorable and just warm and squishy. Just wonderful. I absolutely loved it!

~ Trina ~
Edina Clouds chapter 1 . 9/16/2010
very nice Shannz - great use of drabble word

phyllis0016 chapter 1 . 9/15/2010
good job shan im reading the resr of your work also
TheMacUnleashed chapter 1 . 9/8/2010
This has to be one of my favorite drabbles by you so far. You captured the relationship between Sam and Dean perfectly in a short amount of space, and it's angsty and sad, but also very touching. Very well done.
dame-alyssa chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
very nice :) well not a nice situation, but very nice drabble :)
KKBELVIS chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
Very touching and sweet fic.

I adore the idiot line...of pure affection...I agree!

Take care

Fire'CxO'Ice chapter 1 . 8/29/2010

Poor Dean. Poor Sam. Poor friggin' Winchesters, man!

You definitely captured the boys' emotions in this one. Right down to the very last word - a very nice touch, I might add. It summarized the whole drabble for me; Sammy's love for his brother, Dean's foolish thoughts of self-loathing, etc. etc.

Very well done!

BarbaraGER chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Hey, musketeer!

I want to read that unposted fic of yours. NOW. Because this drabble is once again a masterpiece! I can see the scene unfold in front of me and I love every single thing that makes it that awesome!

Perfect use of both challenge words, my friend!

Take care,

familydontendwithblood chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Love it! Hey, it's Dean, of course it could happen!
BeachDreamer chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Awesome yet again Shan. Dean's sadly certain belief that Sam doesn't and shouldn't need him was a gut punch. I could be wrong but I took it as both a declaration (You don't need me) and a request (Please don't need me).

If this was inspired by a one shot then I can't wait to read the longer piece! You write the boys' inner brokenness and vulnerability so beautifully...heartbreakingly.

This is why I love the challenge so much. One word can yield so many different possible hundred word interpretations: humorous, angst ridden, action packed, innocent...the list goes on and on.

Great stuff girl! Talk to you soon!

MeAzrael chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Hiya, fellow fighter – I'm so glad I'm the first one to tell you: THIS IS AWESOME! Honestly, it's superb. So near to the abyss in every sense, so sad, so heart-wrenching ambivalent. I felt my guts shiver with this vision of Dean, quivering his arms like wings, his voice mellow (and isn't that a wonderful use of our private wow? Yes, it is!).

"Don't need me." Aw woman, do you want my heart to break? Tell me, was it your intention to have this line as a plea and a statement at the same time? And "Dean turns to him" - loved that too. There's so much hidden meaning in every line. Thank God there was one word to laugh about :-) Idiot! Haha, know what you mean...

Kudos, Shan!

xxx Kate
Amberdreams chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Whoa a new hazard of the week to go with the word of the week...that must have been a really powerful mickey slipped in Dean's drink there (or spell) to get him over his fear of heights!