Reviews for Fighting the Tide
Saber Amane chapter 4 . 12/25/2012
oh my god...amazing so far! read all 4 in one night! keep updating!
Theadore chapter 4 . 4/24/2012
Ok, so I just recently stumbled across this story and loved it. But your last update was two years ago and I kinda want another chapter. I realize that inspiration for stories can come and go in a heartbeat, but I also know that reviews help getting the muse going, so I'm glad to try and spark that Fighting the Tide (or Clack in general, heh) ember if at all possible. (I've jumpstarted other stories that way and there's real potential in this one, what with you fantastic style and the plotline you've got going already.) So, while this review may mean nothing, at the very least I'd like you to know how much I enjoyed reading this and how excited I would be to see an update.
Vallarii chapter 3 . 10/11/2011
GYAAAAAHHHH! that was so freaking amazing! i love, love, love this chapter! i'm inlove with this story!
heyalove43 chapter 4 . 9/3/2011
oh my...

that was one word...

AMAZING. Oh please continue with the story i love it and i cant wait to see what happens next...well when you have the time to continue with it of course :)
zabani-chan chapter 2 . 6/26/2011
(1)I wan't _
Ruhina chapter 4 . 6/12/2011
Oh my gosh! xD This is soooo cute~! x3 Please- Oh Please continue writing this :D This is really great! And uhhmm..., update soon :) This is one of the few wonderful stories of zxc so please don't leave it hanging..., Dx I might go insane! :( So uhhmm..., please update and do your best :D Uhhmm..., there are still many of readers (including me xD) who wants to see how this story will go :3
Lovrofstory chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
This is amazingly well written I really, really hope to see more. There isn't enough good Zack/Cloud stories out there.
Lan Yue Hime chapter 4 . 4/2/2011
This is probably one of the best FFVII fanfic! Love it!
burst 'N bloom chapter 4 . 3/26/2011
this deserves more reviews. really, it does. it's much better written than some of the fics that have garnered more praise, but ah well, what can you do? IN ANY CASE, i love this! Zack and cloud are just adorably characterized :))

keep up the good work love!
LittleCatLover chapter 4 . 3/2/2011
omfg great story :D , i would so befriend you in livejournal but i forgot my password and all that junk :3
Golden feathers Edward chapter 4 . 2/8/2011
awww that last bit at the end was sad he couldn't bring himself to send it but over all the story so far is hilarious, adorable and smexy!
tookkia chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
To say your story is solely entertaining would be a sin. I've read it once and am doing so again so that I can leave proper reviews (seriously, I have no idea why you do not have more). It is absolutely amazing. The first chapter alone holds the foundation for promising chapters (and oh so satisfying they have been!) and you have me completely captured. I think one thing your story holds that many other just-as-amazing stories don't have too much of is the mere fact that it's so-damn-interesting! I appreciate as much as anyone else the beauty of good prose, dynamics, style, etc, but a ‘good story’ is something not always present. Am I making any sense? I'm no expert on this (hardly ... haha) but I guess I just want to tell you this: GREAT STORY!

Hopefully I can review the other chapters soon, but for now, let me rave a bit with chapter one ;)

"Though no one was entirely sure where the cadets' mail actually went; some say the Firsts would use it for target practice with their Fire materia" This was funny. Which is another element I thoroughly enjoyed in your writing: humor is your friend! At least I’d like to think so.

The scene where Genesis implies Angeal’s presence is requested had my ears perking like an alert kitty. I’m attempting my own Clack story (so hard for me …) and I have a flashback where Zack meets Genesis for the first time whilst Angeal and Zack are training. Similarly, Genesis’ request is denied. Nothing else is the same, really, but this scene just stood out more for me because of it.

“Come on. We'll be taking the elevator, like sensible human beings." Damn, how can anyone not love Genesis? And Angeal, so sensible lol. Very in character.

I really enjoyed the insight into Angeal’s protectiveness over Zack. It’s so easy to see how much he cares for the younger SOLDIER, how much Zack means to Angeal. “There was a charming innocence about Zack Fair that his mentor would give anything to preserve” This is such a strong line imo. Zack is such a great guy, and it’s so sad how his zeal in trying to be a hero ends up leading to his demise. It’s almost as if Angeal knows the bad that harsh reality will do to his puppy.

What can I say about the first encounter between Zack and Cloud except that it was great? Poor Cloud lol, how flustered he must’ve been with Zack giving him, a measly grunt, tips.

“Well, Cloud Strife, how about you and I talk strategy the Zack Fair way?” Hahaha! So cute. My poor Cloud is going to have an attack though lol, so nervous. Oh but I love him so! And the Zack Fair way affiliated with pizza is another concept I can really see, both so casual and easy on the tummy-I mean, most people…

“Wh-what is it, Zack? Your mission didn't last this long, did it? Is Ah-Angeal okay?" Ok, I totally knew what was going on in the background, I swear!

“Angeal's a really good cook you see, and he was talking to Seph about pancake toppings just the other day. As it turns out, he really likes strawberries and whip cream, but he can't stand maple syrup. Too sticky." Again, I adore the little details that make for reasonable funnies interlaced with the rest of the story. Not too corny (extreme) so that the characters are charred. Just right ;)

The Genesis/Sephiroth sex scene depicted what we later find to be another somewhat chaotic relationship. The language was a bit crude, I will admit, but considering how cold and indifferent Sephiroth behaves here, it makes sense. Poor Gen, though. It’s ok, Genesis, I have a pretty Angeal that will take good care of you!

Hmmm, I know I could have elaborated more on other aspects, but there were just so many good things lol. I have already finished what you have so far but I will review the rest when I have the chance. Good writing deserves as much after all. Until then, thank you so much for sharing this story with the rest of us meager fanatics! I do hope you update soon. Cheers!

Ms. Mumpsimus chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
You know, I really don't get why absolutely marvelous fics like this one doesn't get 'enough' reviews that it just utterly deserved. 39? It should be more than 100 by now! Tsk. People these days...

anyway! I like this fic [eyebrows wiggling]. Pardon my giggly attitude but I just want to express my thanks to you in posting this story. :D

Just brilliant. I am so pleased that you wrote this. Keep writing okay? _

siarafaerie-101-miss chapter 4 . 1/8/2011
I really love it!

please update again soon!

MeykoLove chapter 4 . 12/15/2010
ahh...such a cute mommy. she's soo sweet. and im annoyed you only have thirty something reviews. you should have tens times more for writing so fluently and descriptively, while also keeping the characters in character. characterization is very important.

lol on the gen/cloud scene. theyre cute together- but i still prefer zack/cloud. laughed so much at zack's rock paper scissors idea. just what would cloud think if zack risked him over a children's game? like the nose game...

whats wrong with sephy? i would totally love to be with gen-gen! nyah, and angeal is upset about it too? is something gonna happen? ohhh...
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