Reviews for I Don't Sleep, I Dream
JuniorWoofles chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
Thank you so much for the sequel, this was just what I wanted, except better because of Sam and Bobby's part.
CastielLovesDean chapter 1 . 9/8/2010
I love it. Of course Dean moans Cas's name in his sleep - clearly it's just been left out of the show due to time constraints.
aclockworkoranje chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
I think I just died, oh my gosh
Tropicwhale chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
Read the first one, liked it. Liked this one too. It's a very sweet arc of stories. I wouldn't mind reading more of it. "Little nerd angel" was my favorite line and how you had Cas talking to Sam because he was embarrassed about Dean was a nice touch. And the twist at the end was freaking awesome. It made me laugh.

And now for the constructive criticism part of the review. You write Sam and Cas way better than you write Dean dialogue. It was small things like you got In Character hand gestures down like when Dean scratches the back of his head when he was sure what to say after Castiel's confession but his diction was too good, if that makes sense. For instance, there were a few words here and there that Dean would have slurred and he didn't. You had Sam slur similar words and Sam definitely has a better diction and pronunciation than Dean and they both talk similar. It was a bit distracting. I think one that definitely pulled me out of the story was Dean saying "I don't know" instead of "I dunno" and then later Sam says "gunna". It's such a small detail but character voice can make or break a story. Something to keep in mind for the future.

Anyway, keep writing.

Love from the Dorkside;

l2adiol2obot chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
haha cute! : D

can't wait for future stories.
ryohei chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
omfg i loved it xD thank you!
StraddlingTheAtmosphere chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
OH MY GOD. THIS! *flails*


And the image of Cas as a puppy with his tail between his legs is SO FREAKING CUTE.
TealEyedBeing chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
lol~ the whole thing with Cas never liking Sam made me snicker xD and the embarrassing confessions were fangirl-squeal-worthy~ x3 the last part especially! lol! sneaky Bobby! xD