Reviews for Shooting Star
TwlightMystery chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
Aww how cute! It was totally adorable _
FinalFallenFantasy chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
Awww... That was adorable. I love the idea of them starwatching :)
Wings.of.Velvet chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
... ;~;

I LOVE YOU! d(w)b

It's perfectly adorable! 'It's just that I was happy with the lamer, as weird a it seemed, and every time I made him pissy I had to apologise. Every time I apologise, my pride dies a little. It's not a pleasant experience.'

xDD That was awesome. And.. was Hayner happy because he thinking something along the lines of 'YESSSS SEIFERS HAPPY WITH ME YESSSSS'? XDD

Thankyou thankyouthankyouthankyou! I'm not making much sense right now, but thats just because I'm overjoyed. ;D

The ending was so sweet~ I swear, you must be Overlord of the fluff. Once again, thankyou so much, it was even better than I imagined, and no worries bout the late reply, I coincidently came back on for the first time in weeks and found this message xD

Now I may die happy. CX Keep writing! :D

~from .Velvet