Reviews for Hunt for the Dark Haired Angel
Tenjo chapter 10 . 23h
There’s plenty of ways he could have said no to Angela. The best? Tell her to fuck off and to not try blackmail him into dating her ever again. There’s other diplomatic ways that would suit Gohan more but you neglected them to force this plot point forward, which is lazy as fuck.

Not to mention this is just another example of Videl being trash. She knows Gohan likes her, but rather than just doing the right thing and rejection from him she ignores his feelings and looks down on him as a person, assuming he’d go for anyone good looking enough (which ironically is kind of true, why else would he still want someone as horrible as her?). Oh, and we can’t forget that she just played with Angela by lying to her. I wouldn’t smirk like Gohan did at Videl’s scheme, I would be angry and rightfully so, unlike her anger at everything even if there’s nothing to be angry about.

The lazy writing and how utterly unlikable the two protagonists are has led to me losing any desire to continue reading.
Tenjo chapter 8 . 10/20
You seem to be TRYING to make Gohan a simp, even if the term wasn’t around when you wrote this. Videl is an idiot who believes her fuckwit father’s claims, is impossibly arrogant and entitled and literally holds grudges against anyone who even remotely disagrees with her... she couldn’t even be thankful that Saiyaman saved her life, instead she went off at him like he expected her to fawn over him which is something that he did not imply in any way shape or form. And he thinks it’s his fault she’s mad at him? He thinks he should have just let her act like a cunt to him and everyone else because he thinks she’s pretty? If he weren’t able to kill me with a flick I’d slap the living shit out of him until he realises that regardless of her looks, Videl is just not a good person. She’s trash. Even when she develops feelings for him, she’s abusive both mentally and physically (not unlike Chichi, who is one of the worst mothers/wives in anime).

On that note, this has always bothered me about Hercule; there are only three possibilities of what happened at the Cell Games and none of them make him worth celebrating.

The first is that he told the complete truth and that the explosions and the flying were nothing but tricks. So why did they think beating Cell was such a great thing, if he was nothing but a cowardly trickster?

The second is that he told partial truths, in which the explosions and such were real but weren’t super powers; rather military grade weapons used to trick people into THINKING they are super powers. But then, why do none of them question how Hercule beat up this guy who had access to weaponry that destroyed a literal army? Also, what happened to Cell’s body? Did Hercule punch it into atoms?

The third, given some credence since the only other possibilities still involve him being deceitful (either by basking in undeserved glory or stealing glory that wasn’t his), is that he lied about everything which despite the unnatural aspect of it is actually the most believable one. They know the army didn’t do it. Hercule couldn’t have done it. Cell and the fighters were on their own so they didn’t have subordinates firing weapons from THEIR hands. They were in the middle of nowhere so there was no cranes to help them fly. I don’t even know what kind of trick they thought was employed to move so quickly.
Tenjo chapter 3 . 10/19
He’s a simp. I hate the word, but it’s a very apt term for how Gohan acts.
A Novel and Anime Addict chapter 18 . 1/18
Ahaha one of the best last chapters i have read. It was really hilarious and ending was really nice too.
iMysticalDBZ chapter 18 . 5/1/2019
This was great!
iMysticalDBZ chapter 15 . 4/30/2019
I got work in a few hours but I’m staying up to read this, just shows how good of a story this is. A on the humor too, good work
iMysticalDBZ chapter 11 . 4/30/2019
Glad I found this story, actually think it’s a bit funny too. Pretty rare in a G/V story
iMysticalDBZ chapter 2 . 4/30/2019
Glad I found this story.. I’ve read a ton of GV fics and I’ve rly enjoyed this one so far... can’t wait to read more. Will leave a few more reviews as I read this!
Guest chapter 10 . 2/1/2019
This is so stupid. The plot is so stupid. Gohan is being so stupid.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/1/2019
Gohan won't get hurt by a bullet. And he is fast enough to catch it anyways.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/1/2019
Like, why does Gohan even like Videl in this? Videl is being a retarded asshole. She has no likeable quality here.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/1/2019
Ok, first of all, words. Please use the correct words. "The lineage that Lime was getting with the press"? What word were you even going for here?

Second of all, why does Videl hate Gohan so much? It literally makes no sense.

And Gohan having lost that baseball game? That's absolutely ridiculous.
Tenjo chapter 18 . 9/28/2018
I thoroughly enjoyed this story, the last chapter has quite a few laughs too.
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
Awesome chapter and plot idea
megacharizat chapter 1 . 4/23/2017
nice story.
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