Reviews for Breaking From Sanity
Dadles chapter 2 . 1/14/2011
Aww, so sad! I hate that Dib had to die, and I really have know clue what you're gonna do now. Update SOON! Please?
Dadles chapter 1 . 1/14/2011
...Wow. Majorly intense! I can't seem to imagine Dib as a girl. I keep imagining someone that looks more like me, but with Dib's personality. The same with Gaz, only I see a tall, skinny, short haired, purple haired, gangly random teenager that acts like Gaz. Cool turn around. Not EXACTLY Zadr, but it's still Zim and Dib, so I guess it still counts.
BabelBabble chapter 2 . 12/4/2010
So good! I loved it
Darkdagers chapter 2 . 12/4/2010
OMG this is so sad i started tearing up i cant wait for more.
Moontoy chapter 2 . 12/3/2010

Invader Ang chapter 2 . 12/3/2010
Wow, still only two reviews? This is so good. D: Poor Zim and Gaz and even Professor Membrane. I hope he finds that soul thingy or whatever and can apologize to Dib :c
Invader Ang chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
Awh, Zim is such a sweetheart. Despite his use of 'date-rape pheremones.' :P I desperately hope that the aforementioned character death is not of Dib... even though it seems kind of obvious that that's who it'll be. D: Dib as a female is always a delight to read, but this was especially good, and the part about the comments she gets because she's tall was absolutely hilarious. x3 Om nom nom.
Invader Nav chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
LIVE DIB THE CHIC, LIVE! Now I'm gonna go kick Prof. Membranes ass! HE IS SuCH AN ASS-HOLE! *kicks Membrane in his "man pride" JERK!