Reviews for Soldier Man and Badgermole Girl
OriginalRabbits chapter 4 . 7/20/2013
That was good but kinda sad in a way too. When you look at it from the big picture other nations were destroyed and Toph never learned how to really go and just love her parents while being independent, I liked you writing the story was done in a nice manner and you set yourself up nicely for a sequel, keep up the good work.
Take the Good Person Test, fifth search result on Google.
Vladimir Zhivanevskaya chapter 4 . 12/29/2012
I liked it, but I do have just one problem...Toph invented metelbending, so saying that she didn't try it b/c she hadn't heard about it is a little...iffy. whatever, a good story nonetheless.
AvatarCorey chapter 4 . 11/18/2012
Me love the story after I saw the summary a similar story popped in my head. Did I say me love.
Tongshot chapter 4 . 8/6/2012
That was amazing. Can you make a sequel? I would like to see what happens now that Toph Is with the fire nation.
anlmoon chapter 4 . 11/20/2010
cool idea, nice story
blindbandit96 chapter 4 . 11/17/2010
well thats a different way of telling Azulon's death. This is the only thing anywhere where Ilah has been invloved, i liked it :) nice end to the story. It was a good story :)
blindbandit96 chapter 3 . 11/17/2010
"… you guys put the gender in front of that?" Toph nodded and straightened herself before looking dead at Zuko. "Poppa Ten has a girlfriend… I thought they were closer than that, oh well." LOL okay so at first i didn't understand and i had to re read it but once i did it became really funny actually. You have a really good sense of humor in your writing, it's not super obvious but it's not like only a few select people understand it. nice chapter :)
Lily of the Valli chapter 1 . 10/12/2010
Interesting idea. I like way you show interraction of Toph and Lu Ten. Not always AU is well-built, but your fic seems to be like that. Keep writing.
bellaluna88 chapter 2 . 10/8/2010
Wow I really like this story. Never would have thought to put Lu Ten and Toph in a story together, it's really good. I hope you update soon :)
Cinderpool-Beam Me Up Sokka chapter 1 . 9/17/2010
I really like the story (& your song choices). You know what's weird? I had an idea in my head about Lu Ten & Toph's aunt adopting her! So I'm defiantly gonna stalk your story! :) Did I mention I love the idea?

Happy Writing,

prenez soin de vous chapter 1 . 9/8/2010
Awesome chap, dude/dudette.

Can't wait for more.

~ Grossology Fanatic
blindbandit96 chapter 2 . 9/7/2010
i love this idea and this is really good. ba sounds so cute but i wonder where you'll keep him when he gets huge :)