Reviews for Tell Me Your Troubles and Doubts
a sorceress girl chapter 1 . 11/3/2016
I love this so much. I really love these two together and I really like how you wrote them here. I totally see Claire only kissing Bender to get a rise out of her mother and not really /feeling/ something for him. And I like how you write her realization that she liked Allison. The touch of angst really hit me as well ahhh. The sex scene was also really nice and I'm rambling a lot I apologize
Albedo666 chapter 1 . 2/10/2014
I really enjoyed this story. You captured the characters quite well and it was incredibly hot. Great job on the flow of everything too, never a slow moment. Those moments of hesitation and doubt really left me hanging on, so much praise there.
Gee-Unit chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
I liked this! Claire/Allison is my guilty pleasure ship, and you just never see TBC stories starring the girls together (whether platonically or romantically). This was really well-done, you seem to have the characterizations down. Hope to see more from you!