Reviews for My Other Brother
MsLiss chapter 3 . 9/17
I really hate this double standard.
I hope Bella makes the same type of scene if she shes Edward with someone
Guest chapter 5 . 7/22/2019
Thanks so MUCH for NOT dragging out the whole prego scare for any longer than. You did. That Bella is o e Sharp cookie! Full scholarship, indeed!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/22/2019
Thanks for the simple symbol explanation: I was puzzled- Had it narrowed down to heart or... Boobs!
blondferretgirl chapter 24 . 9/1/2018
Love It!
TwiTwiAgain chapter 6 . 9/12/2017
Was he having sex with lots of girls to try and forget that he really wanted Bella?
m0t0b33 chapter 24 . 9/10/2017
I liked this story for the main plot, but the family was way too over dramatic and nosy... they need to get over themselves and not make something that's none of their business into a big deal all the freaking time, while being the biggest hypocrites ever. All in all, you're a great writer for getting me all worked up for a piece of fiction :D
Trinity chapter 1 . 9/10/2017
So I saw this on twifanfictiinrec and i thought I give it try. However I realized that this story is the same as I have always read and ones only with a stepsibling, that I give up on. Edward the meanwhore who sleeps with any one with a vagina, because he can't get Bella. Then you have Bella a virgin. I can see how this will go. They will admit their feelings, Bella will pop her cherry with Edward because he gods gift to women and will show her things he learned from the std whores who showed him things.
starsmina chapter 24 . 4/21/2017
Love this story!
twificfan chapter 24 . 4/13/2017
Excellent story, I loved it!
Savvy chapter 24 . 8/24/2016
OMG, this was like the BEST twilight fa fiction I have ever read. no offence if u said there's a sequel in ur AN's, but I didn't read all of those. So is there a sequel? And if not can u make one?
Savvy chapter 5 . 8/22/2016
OMG! Just read ur authors note in chapter five, it said it was ur b-day tomorrow, and the day u published chapter five was September 10... Is ur b-day seriously on 9/11?
Nikki Black chapter 24 . 1/28/2016
Loved this story! :)
I would have like to have a longer epilogue, I didn't want the story to end.
Thank you for sharing it
Alpha22 chapter 24 . 1/4/2016
Loved it!
Alpha22 chapter 15 . 1/3/2016
I've always hoped they'd be a story line such as this one. There was a TV movie in the 80's called, "Age of Innocence," I think, or something like that. I was only 10 I think, but I've never reall vforgotten it. It broke my heart when their parents had to break them apart. It wasn't fair, I thought. I like this one better. Thank you.
Alpha22 chapter 9 . 1/3/2016
'My only love." *sigh*
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