Reviews for Mortal Kombat: Redemption
Iron Spider Fan chapter 39 . 8/17
Looking forward to the next installment!
spanky1988.awj chapter 39 . 6/4
Can't wait for chapter 40 and 41!
BrutusPrimus chapter 39 . 6/2
Nice work!
Daniel Barga chapter 39 . 6/2
First of all, thank you so much for updating so fast! I love to read your new chapters.

About this chapter, i loved it all of it, but there were very minor things that i really, really liked:

- The banter between them (Frost and Kung Lao, Johnny Cage and Baraka, etc), they really feel like themselves here, i could easily picture everything in my head. I love how your Frost is not an evil character like she always is Mk Fanfics, but she STILL feel like the original character from the Mk Games.
- Mileena almost talking about herself in third person, it really shows a minor and natural personality change.
- The fight between Baraka and Sub-Zero, quick, but very good, and of course i wish that Sub-Zero had won, but i am his fanboy, so i can't blame you.
- Jade talk about Kotal and Nido. I'll be honest, at first i wasn't liking that much this love triangle, but now i see that it's not a love triangle at all, so i am curious to see Nido finding out about her past with Kotal, and, if that happens, how Jade will convince Nido that she doesn't love Kotal anymore.

Anyway, i know this is a long review, but since my reviews are always short, i think is a nice change to show how your whole chapter is amazing, as always.
alwaysdoubted chapter 39 . 6/1
A lot of good things to like about this chapter, particularly the flashback scene you had with Jade and Tanya. I love the rivalry between these two and hope you expand on it more here. There's so much untapped potential here.

Also enjoyed what you did with Nido as well, and the difficultly Jade has now that Kotal has entered the fray. No doubt Outworld's new leader still wants a chance to claim Jade's heart for her own while disposing of Nido. That has to be a scene you can write on.

Baraka wanted to prove a point against Sub-Zero and the two were correct. Had they used more of their strength, it might as well have been Mortal Kombat, something Mileena didn't want at all. Another impressive chapter from you. I may have to start from the beginning of this story to make sure I understand it all.

Lilthug chapter 39 . 6/1
Nice chapter as always. Liu facing of against that Tarkatan was funny. Reminded me of Batman vs the Electrocutioner in Arkham Origins. I have a theory on who Tessen could be but I'll keep it to myself until it's revealed. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next chapter.
pyrojack25 chapter 38 . 5/29
Still a funny tongue and cheek reference. So far this year seems interesting. Although that Revenant, makes wonder if Kronika might interfere at some point.
Daniel Barga chapter 38 . 5/29
Really good chapter! I look foward to see which personality traits Mo Chou inherited from her parents, so i really wanna see more of her! Seems like things are about to get dicey!
MKDemigodZ-Warrior chapter 38 . 5/29
You know, it is very odd how they just name drop the games like that. Feels kind of weird when applied in the world. Still pretty good chapter.
BrutusPrimus chapter 38 . 5/29
Nice work!
alwaysdoubted chapter 38 . 5/29
Things are getting a whole lot more interesting now with Mileena's child still missing. Kitana and Jade realize that time is running short and the startling news regarding the health of kids of Earthrealmers and Edenians was quite unsettling. Reiko has big plans that will surely involve everyone. This will be another bloody battle. I can tell.

Lilthug chapter 38 . 5/28
I enjoyed this chapter a lot. Interesting characterization with Tessen. Though I imagine Mileena won't be happy to find out her daughter is bonding with her kidnapper lol. I get the strange feeling it may be Terra but that can't be right so I'll keep guessing. Also when Kitana walked in on Sindel and Ermac I was laughing a bit XD. With Aftermath being out what's your opinion on it? And will any elements from it influence this story?
JasonVUK chapter 37 . 5/24
That was a good chapter. :-)

Things are really picking up again. Damn :p
Daniel Barga chapter 37 . 5/23
Yay! Another chapter so fast! I loved the chapter, Mileena x Sub-Zero are by far my favorite shipp (i truly believe that your fic is the only one that is so good about them together), so i love the scenes about them interacting with one another.
I really look foward to see how the plot goes, i am loving it so far, and i am glad that you're ok and that the new games gave you some new ideas! See you next time!
alwaysdoubted chapter 37 . 5/22
Glad to see that you're doing better and a nice update to the story. Mileena attacking Kitana because her child is missing does not surprise me. She's grieving hard and needs an outlet to vent her frustration. A revenant Kitana could spell doom for the present one if she isn't taken care of immediately.

I would like to see more Nido as I know a bunch of questions are going through his mind. How well does his wife know Kotal? Will she leave him for the Kahn? Was their marriage going to fail? (Personally, I hope not. I like Nido a lot)

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