Reviews for Changing of the Guard
foxface123 chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
I absolutly love this! at first i didnt know if it was gonna be sasunaru lovey dovey chiz or if it wouldve been friendship type thing. i love you for making this! its absolutely wonderful to read! you did GREAT! please make another one!
mypastnobodybussiness chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
it's simple but so deep :)

i love it XD
Whatsup-foxy chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
This is so cute :3

Really good idea as a role-play :)

Good luck with it.
Kkas chapter 1 . 7/16/2011
this story gave me the fuzzies. :)

I really hope that it can end this way...
catzrool chapter 1 . 5/27/2011
Wow. That was ... refreshingly realistic, in a strange sort of way. And ... intensely emotional? It's hard to describe. In any case, a definite favorite!
KokoXKonoha chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
It was short,,but I love it! You did a good job! ;)
Lilith Evanson chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
To amazing for words. Seriously.
The Desiree Incident chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
It's so nice to read Sasuke's love for Naruto while still in character. (I think I mentioned something like that when I reviewed your other story O.o hehe) Well it's wonderful to read, and it's the kind of story that leaves a smile on your face and a warming heart :)
Ninny-na chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
D'aww , this was cute.

Loved the ending (:

And protective Sasuke xD
Queen Paddie chapter 1 . 9/24/2010
D: Brilliant! I reaaaaally loved it! And it was beautifully written! *favourited.
Nautical.Empress chapter 1 . 9/13/2010
Such a beautiful story! 3 It was nice how you didn't reveal Suke's identity until the end (though we all knew it was him) but still it was a beautifully written, and I can definitely feel Sasu's emotions.
DFSSDKJLFDSKJLFDSHJLFK chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
If you think you're bad at reviews, you have not seen my poor excuse of a review. I didn't know what to say earlier. That's why I didn't say anything.

I loved it. It's really good. I wish I could write things this long and/or longer again, but it's been difficult lately. It's like one giant writer's block in my head. Like I said, I do that thing where all day I'm just like.. ONE MORE HOUR. And then nothing gets done. xDDD

But no, I thought this was really good. Dunno why you said the style was weird, I liked it. xD You complain about strange things. I thought the ending was fine too. AND I APPRECIATE THE RANDOM GIFT. THANK YOU. :P I wish I could tell you exactly what I liked about it, but I have no words. I am the worst reviewer ever. Just know that I really liked it. LOL. And I lol'd for like ten minutes when I read the word 'mushy'. xD
Sighcoe chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
This is more like a friendship fic than romance, I think? Or... just developing deeper from friendship?

Anyway, the story is beautifully written, Sasuke's thought never fails to amaze me. On how things he looks far more differently than other does.

And I also believe it's safe to label this under k or k
totaltheTERRIER chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
Good, descriptive story! I liked the analogies.

The word 'retarded' though...may be a little unnecessary.
Juura99 chapter 1 . 9/12/2010

*favs it*

This was great! Short and simple, yet great and attention grabbing.

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