Reviews for The Melody of the Heart is in Minor Key
Awesome Gal chapter 1 . 1/9/2015
Well, does Dan WANTS a girlfriend?
Anyway, it was... LOVELY!
Jocasta Silver chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
Great free verse poem expressing Dan's thoughts.
MargaeryStarks chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
This was such a lovely free-verse. You are QUEEN of free verses. I don't think the explanation was necessary, because you already included Dan C. next to the rating and title and whatnot.

And LOVELY title, by the way. I'm so proud to have you as a beta, Jo! Thanks for writing this. I think I'll fave this :)

Syberian Quest chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
Another one I've been meaning to review, Jo.

Your free verse is always extremely well written, but this particular one touched me - a lot. I am not deaf myself, but I have a few close connections to the deaf world, so this really meant a lot.

And I completely loved this:

"But they still have voices"

The deaf are just so often ignored, treated like they're stupid and left alone in their own little worlds. It's a crime. But I think you did a great job of showing how despite appearances, they have their own individuality and uniqueness. It was touching.

Also, the idea of Dan falling for a deaf girl is absolutely brilliant, and you portrayed Dan's ignorance and resulting curiosity perfectly. Both Amy and Dan were incredibly IC.

Honestly, I'd have to say that I'm one of those people who would have preferred you not using a swear word (I'm like Muse on that), but I appreciate you acknowledging that others might not like it. Many would just use it and not care what others think. I respect that you do care.

Anyway, it is beautiful. Really is. That's why I shall be favoriting shortly. Probably one of my favorites from you. :)

amiculum chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Aw, another free verse and different pairing all in one! Yay!

Nothing else to say.
President Snow chapter 1 . 12/19/2010

that was beautiful.

Awesome story :)
kaworu nagisa chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
This free verse is really good. You have such a knack for free verses, I envy you. The words flow, and you really bring out the emotion. No body can E_V_E_R match up to


xoxoisabelle :D
VoldieLovesMe chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
Hell? You apologize for HELL? God, Bumble, you are such a goody two shoes. Anyway, I would also like to point out that deaf people can talk, their words just sound a little funny, and their voices are a little louder. Just for future reference.
angels fly with starry wings chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
This story sort of reminds us that, if we don't say what's buzzing in our heads, if we don't get it out, everything could change. Friends would fade, fights would never end, loves would leave, and we'd just be alone because, when the time came, we couldn't say the words that could have changed a life.

Beautiful story. 10/10. You're the first one I've given that too.

The Whisper of Wings chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
You captured the feeling of being deaf well. And although this is something private, I'll tell you this one serious thing so you can understand how much it (this story) struck me:

I'm half deaf, in the sense that my right ear is profoundly deaf while my left has moderate hearing loss. Everyday I'm in danger of potentially losing my hearing. I know sign language but I'm trying to learn how to lip-read - but it's so damn hard.

SO maybe now you can understand why this meant so much to me. It's not easy, having a disability - it gives other people the "right" to kick you down and bury you in the ground. Every day it's a fight and I love how, even though you may have not known it, you managed to show that, no matter how flawed people can be, they'll always keep standing up, and keep moving on.

On Dan's part, you captured his soft side. Dan is a mix of "loving in denial" - meaning, he's actually caring but is adamant that no one knows about it. I liked how you wrote him in this fanfic, though the odds are, Dan would probably go around loving somebody until he accidentally blurts it out. He isn't one to keep it in for so long.

Good job. I'm faving this story (though I did promise to myself not to fave anything or else people will say I have my biases, but...). :)

screamattheskyx3 chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
Wow. Just wow.

This blew me away.

Bravo-err, brava. :)

foreverlarks chapter 1 . 9/15/2010
I know I may sound like a fan girl but this was AMAZING. XD
Dove's Wing chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
Oh my goodness, Jo, that was amazing! Totally...fantastic. I, for one, agree completely with all the reviews down there.

This was just...awesome, for a lack of a better word. Grr...I know I have the best word in this "big head" of mine. Seriously, mt friend said I had a big head today. Literally, not figuratively, because I could never actually be big-headed. Trust me, I've tried.

Sorry. Got off track.

So, where was I? Oh, yes, finding the right word...


That'll have to do. I have a lot of other ones, but I figure that I should save some for your other stories! :D

I love the title. Stunningly pretty.

And...yeah...interesting pairing. Dan and an OC that's deaf. It's intriguing how you broaden the reader's perspective on Dan's outlook on life. He's often rather...ignorant? But you portrayed him differently, capturing his more sensitive side perfectly!

Wonderfully super job. :)
Another Artist chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
Haha, I love it :) I think Jonah would've suited better than Dan though, because he can sing and she's deaf, and all that... I don't know. The title is beautiful too, by the way :)
psychoticbookgirl chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
I don't mind the minor cursing. That doesn't even count as a swear, anyway.

Chalk it up under another awesome story by Jo...
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