Reviews for Beauty and the Bat
Guest chapter 25 . 7/1
Well this story is ruined
Robert Swords chapter 9 . 5/13
One goof here, you meant "many" instead of much, just saying. Pretty good otherwise.
Guest chapter 27 . 5/13
Superman is so much better in this story since he's not essentially untouchable.
Es108 chapter 44 . 5/3
This was better than what I expected it to be. The whole series felt so natural. Nothing very forced. If I may ask, are you going to make a sequel to this or just leave it be? I just really loved the whole thing.
Joseph Vowels chapter 44 . 4/22
Could you do one with batman and poison ivy together pl3
gameboy27008 chapter 44 . 4/1
YES! YES! YES! I WAITED SO LONG! it is Perfect thank you and im wanting for more!
xjennibearx chapter 1 . 3/10
So glad to see this still going! I’ve been reading this story since about sophomore year and I graduated 5 years ago
Guest chapter 44 . 3/1
Thanks the continuing the story I'm eternally grateful and that's why you're my one of my favorite fanfiction writers I wish you luck on your future endeavors I'm enjoying the story immensely thank you again and have a great summer
Guest chapter 43 . 2/23
Thank you.
Guest chapter 43 . 2/2
what is anigal gonna fall in love with jay?
Kzux chapter 29 . 1/29
Would love see this in one of the media platforms
Kzux chapter 1 . 1/29
Yep, please never stop writing HAHAHA
Guest chapter 3 . 1/24
gameboy27008 chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
Please be Alive and update soon!
gameboy27008 chapter 43 . 10/8/2019
Amazing mam. Just amazing. I have fallen love of youre work here, ive read it all, and i must Say it was better than toms king batman, thats the Batman i want to have and know, ane harley, just love it, youre story make my Dreams come True of these two amazing characters, i love harley and Batman marriage, and the story man, i hope you will continue this story because it is So fucking good, and i love what you have dobę with charakters and how they grown, youre story is part of my life now! Cant wait for more! Love!
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