Reviews for Shadows of a Lost Mind
Percy chapter 37 . 3/22/2017
I guess it's never coming back
It was fun while it lasted.
Haldir639 chapter 37 . 3/10/2017
This fic is just awesome, please continue writing!
Fuckass chapter 37 . 2/9/2017
Ghosty-Goo Girl chapter 37 . 4/8/2016
I absolutely adore this story! There's never been a dull moment and it's always left me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happens next. You've done very well capturing each characters personality and the added humour just makes it a million times better. :)

I hope you find the inspiration to continue at some point - I'll definitely be on the look out for any new updates! Keep up the good work, you're an excellent writer.
PyroPercy chapter 37 . 3/13/2016
Is this ever going to be continued? I love this story so much, I'd really hate for it to be abandoned.
PyroPercy chapter 33 . 3/13/2016
Is this ever going to be continued? I love this story so much, I'd hate for it to be abandoned.
NOOBMAISTER chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
Wonder what would happen if Eragon from IC came to RuneScape? What would the Rider say if he met a noob, or hard bosses like Vorago? Or even a mad king? A mad king better than 1k Voragos at once?

Read my story on IC and RS xover!
Sorry about the ad, but noone read it. 20k words, so im not like the other authors. I update when I update, but when I do update, I update with more than 1 chapter.
the story is bad the first 4 chapters, but starts to be better at chapter 5.
Read plzz. 1
saiansha chapter 37 . 1/5/2016
Oh my god this fic gets more and more amazing with each new chapter! I LOVE what you've done with all the Mahjarrat - they're all so much more adorable, but still so shady! I am also so glad to see what you've done with Enakhra. I just have some sort of a girl-crush on her (I wish I knew the reason) and I'm always grinning from ear to ear whenever someone (Jagex or not) includes her or talks about her or writes about her and so on. As for the other Mahjarrat, I was a bit of a fangirl (not the creepy sexual Tumblr kind of adoration) for Azzy the Bunny Ears, then it quickly changed to Wahisietel and then, Zemouregal (Guthix help me) and currently it's centered on Sliske (I think everyone has sort of a crush on Sliske for the moment).

But I digress lol. I think this story could go so many places, it's funny, it's interesting, it's gripping and I really hope you update soon!
RandomReader chapter 37 . 11/21/2015
Well, I think I'll write a story about Sliske and Khazard. Whether or not it ends up on the internet is another story...
Anon chapter 37 . 10/23/2015
Shara Teer chapter 37 . 10/8/2015
love this story
AquaBlue chapter 37 . 9/27/2015
I really do enjoy this story! It's humorous, serious, and suspenceful! 3

Azzanadra and Zemouregal are my two favorite characters in the story, their personalities are a yes!

It's nice to see you're uploading again. 33
Connor Asfadjnis chapter 37 . 8/3/2015
This is great. I love your depiction of Freneskae, and Sliske's little bout of introspection, which I imagine doesn't happen very often for him :P (Or maybe he introspects more than we think...?) Anyway, I'm pretty excited to see where this goes!
Wormate chapter 37 . 8/2/2015
LOL! Zaros is badarse.
Gemmi chapter 36 . 8/1/2015
That is one magnificent cliffhanger. First time reader, and have read from beginning to end today. I really, really hope you stick with this, it's fascinating to watch the story evolve, intertwine and divulge from the lore.
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