Reviews for Secrets, Love, & Lies
Guest chapter 18 . 4/12
I hope people don’t think three year olds are hot... shirt seems a bit inappropriate to me. I get that it’s supposed to be a joke- but still... ️
Guest chapter 3 . 3/11/2018
One of the best I've ever read
donnamiley chapter 65 . 12/8/2017
I enjoyed this story so much. While it is sad that they were apart for those years, etc... I like how it made Rose strong and very motherly. She would be great with another kid with Dimitri, but I like how she proved she could do it. That being said, ROMITRI! Love love love them together. Sounds like the wedding was fantastic! Sad she doesn't have Abe at all. And holy moley with the constant strigoi attacks. Can't wait to see what happens next in the sequel.
debpreato chapter 48 . 9/21/2017
It's sweet how you and each chapter or day with them going to sleep
debpreato chapter 41 . 9/21/2017
Really like your storyline. Roza is standing up to Lissa for what she believes in...she is also being honest and devulging to Dimitri. Excellent.
Guest chapter 65 . 7/14/2017
Oye felicidades me encanta demasiado tu historia woh como adoro esta pareja dimitri y roza
EchoInTheVoid chapter 64 . 4/27/2017
love the story
jennyoutlaws7751 chapter 41 . 4/19/2017
did this just go twilight on me?
Guest chapter 7 . 3/2/2017
If it has only been three years since Rose last saw Dimitri the Bailey would only be two and Olds are not nearly this articulate. She comes across as at least four or five.
Guest chapter 15 . 10/24/2015
So I just started reading, and I love idea I love these fanfics, it's just too unrealistic. The characters aren't themselves. I think Rose is completely in the right and Dimitri completely in the wrong. Yes, when she found out she was pregnant she should have told him, but her reasons for not doing so are plain as day. He left. She didn't want him just to come back because he felt it was his duty. She wanted him to come back because he loved her. I also think his reasons for leaving are a little out there (no offense is intended). Besides what is she suppose to think, he slept with her and left a week and a half later. He betrayed her trust and everyone expects her to forgive him immediately. AND she has a daughter to think about. He's broken her promises before, why wouldn't he do it again? Now he would be hurting Bailey too! She's being responsible, protecting her daughter from the pain of losing her father. She has absolutely no reason to think he wouldn't leave again. Adrian would never tell Dimitri. He values his manhood, and his face a little to much. She would never speak to him again. He loves Rose and wouldn't chose Dimitri over her, no matter his opinion. Dimitri is out of character completely. (I really don't mean to offend the author)! Dimitri doesn't role his eyes or call Rose and idiot or stupid. Which he has done in this fanfic! He wouldn't storm of saying he lied about not leaving her. Now I just finished chapter 15 and I don't think I'll continue reading. Now I'm really sorry. This is really well written grammar wise. I think you almost have Rose now to the tee. Bailey is adorable. I might be taking a lot of anger out on you because I've been looking for a long we'll written fanfic for a while. I thought this was it. I've read so many stories recently that the characters were so out of character! At least is two words by the way. I'm sorry
EvreHavva chapter 65 . 10/4/2015
EvreHavva chapter 64 . 10/4/2015
EvreHavva chapter 63 . 10/4/2015
fue impresionante
EvreHavva chapter 57 . 10/4/2015
oh dios mio
EvreHavva chapter 49 . 10/3/2015
oh dios, el hermoso rostro de Adrian
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