Reviews for Mock the Midnight Bell
Lilly chapter 1 . 3/27/2018
Your a great writer you could be a pro author keep up the good work
Stoneage Woman chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
Poor Sammy. It's so heartbreaking watching him losing the thread of his conversation halfway through a sentence. And yet it's awesome that you still show how they're both better off this way than without each other.
KKBELVIS chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
I'm glad you're lucid enough to angst at me at three o'clock in the morning," he grins, and Sam's smile widens a bit


Gorgeous piece.

Flows so nice...emtionally drawing me in!

Sighs happyily!

Thank you,

Karen - off to read more
Julia chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
I just reread this. And I wanted to write to let you know how much I enjoyed it. Each time I see that you have another story posted I keep hoping that it'll be part of this verse. It's just such a cool world you have created and I'd love to see you delve into those characters more.

So here's to hoping you write another soon... please!

Disneymagic chapter 1 . 10/12/2010
Dean's confession that he'd take Sam being there with him basically any way he could get him if the alternative was not having him at all rang very true to form. Dean has always put up with a lot just to have his family safe and nearby or at least safe (even if nearby wasn't an option). It's one of the elements that makes him such a tragic figure. *cuddles him*

brunn.hilde chapter 1 . 10/5/2010
Hell, who needs a plot with lovely character development like that!
hotshow chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
I loved this story. I hope you write more of the Fusion verse as it's very good.

Thank you.
Mockingbyrd chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
This is such a cool verse. I have really enjoyed reading all them, and I really enjoy the way you write the brothers. It's AU but still so true to their characters. I think the revelation of the light from Sam is very interesting and I like that he and Dean experienced hell so differently. Are you ever going to bring any other characters from the show in? Maybe some insight from Castiel?

Great job and I can't wait for more!
Julia chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
I LOVE this verse! Thanks for writing more and I hope you continue on. Such a sweet chapter and I love this kind of interaction between the brothers.

Great job
lilykep chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
I dont care if they never get a puppy as long as I can still have more fusion 'verse. Maybe a multi chapter? *grins hopefully*
T.L. Arens chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
I re-read this story and just loved how Dean told Sam that he can't manage without his little brother. I think Zachariah's wrong. I dont' think it's emotional codependance. I think it's far, far more than that; far more than Mickie or Luci ever had or will ever fathom. I love how it seems that Sam can almost read Dean's mind whether it's what his big brother is thinking or feeling. Sam is the voice, Dean is the action.

Sam is really adorable here and in spite of his disability, there is still that underlying strength I think Dean hones into that inner strength, latches onto it becuase while Dean can bluff his way through situations, he really does not emotionally cope. That's Sam's department and Sam's own vulnerability brings out Dean's courage because Sam is his reason for everything. *falls in love with Supernatural all over again* Hey, thanks for the wonderful story! And I hope there's more to come! -
Scribble2Much chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Hey I'm always up for a "chic flick moment" and this one hit the spot.

I'm enjoying your work because you do an awesome job bringing out the deep emotional bond between the brothers in various scenarios. What I truly appreciate is that you take the time to actually build a plausible back story that gives rise to the angst and H/C instead of just using any old excuse to get the brothers hugging.

Good on you. Keep writing.
ImpalaBabe chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Sam got honey for his throat, I got honey for my soul. I need that stuff, to survive the Sam in the Show :) Im actually praying that we will become at least a wee bit of this to see. And not only that thing, called Sam Winchester we have now!

Nice interpetation how Sams hell was. I believe either that his was way different than Deans. And had similar thoughts about a white light. Like white noise only much much worse.

Hell is made out of 9 circles, each one is deeper. I think the cage is number 10. The deepest, there are no demons or souls. There is nothing. And I also think that the time down there got even more slower. Maybe Sam was really not long down there in earthtime, but how much time was it for him?

Thats one of the reasons I like the Sam here so much. Its so logical how he is.

I want more! *prettyplease*

Menthol Pixie chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Aw, the adorable-ness of our two boys! You've earned yourself a spot on my Fav. Authors list (something that I only reserve for the absolutely amazing and wonderful. I figure, once there have been a certain amount of stories that I want to read over and over and put all of them on my Fav. Stories list, it's time for Fav Authoring.)

I'm waiting anxiously to see if Sam's going to talk to Dean about Hell on the series, so this is just the next best thing. Loved their little conversation. Loved everything really. :) Keep up the great work with this 'verse.
CeCe Away chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
So lovely and awful at the same time. These are really touching.
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