Reviews for Kryptonite
Fenris Jin chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
Ahh.. Could have been more. It was a promising drabble.
Dashita Tichou chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
Yeah, I agree that it is a little blunt at the end, but I think it's blunt in a good way. If I were you, I'd put in just a little more of Rukia's POV before that line though.
MisplacedSanity chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
(for review trade: any story of your choice)

Wow. how can you be displeased with this one? im gawking at the perfection.

ive said it before i love your descriptions. im having a rather morbid facination on how you describe rain swept blood.

on the romantic focus: you have it to a T. ive always thought that their relasionship was a love/hate deal. especially on ichigos part. however manytimes he can argue with her or tease her its always done with some kind of exasperated amusmant at its root. i do heavy duty character analysis and never does ichigo interact with any other character in the same way he does with rukia he truely cares for her. poor thing is way too expressive around her as well. kubo displays it brilliantly.

i usally dont read songfics on the ground that they sometimes clash with the content either in lyrics or rhythm but this merged seamlessly in. like the song was made for this fic.
the mythologist chapter 1 . 6/12/2011
Mmmm. I like. I see what you mean about the ending coming up a little too blatantly. Maybe it just comes a bit too suddenly? We have several paragraphs of Ichigo musing quite poetically, and then Rukia has three sentences at the end. The shades of grey in Ichigo's emotional canvas come across more clearly than Rukia's, and if *he* had said she'd forgotten that he loved her, it would make more sense. I think. Still, I'm an acknowledged Ichruki fan, and I'd like to see some more of that from you. :)
Ice of the Kitsune's Fire chapter 1 . 6/8/2011

That aside, I happen to love 3 Doors Down, so despite the fact that I usually despise songfics, I immediately loved this one.

Their relationship shines as one of the stronger ones in the manga, so I like how you describe them almost as if they are two parts of one being, even though we only see this moment from Ichigo's point of view here.

"He'd seen the way she looked at him whenever it broke through. He'd seen her pity, her disappointment, through its yellowed eyes. She couldn't understand the horror caged within him, couldn't comprehend his ceaseless fight to keep it from taking over permanently, from trapping him inside his own mind."

Rukia trying to be selfless when she's being taken away is kind of defeated when it seems as if Ichigo can read her underlying emotions. While my stubborn half dislikes how this portrays Rukia as a little less confident in their bond with each other when it's always seemed the opposite to me, I love how Ichigo's emotional state really comes through.

This is definitely one of the most well-written songfics I've read in a while :)
anon chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
Great story! FFnet's crusade against songfics pisses me off. Good job!