Reviews for As Far as the Universe Reaches
Guest chapter 4 . 9/14/2019
Bones is a jerk, and Unprofessional! Chapel is also unprofessional! What McCoy did was unethical, but at least he only told his Head Nurse. Chapel told a non Medical as gossip. She needs her license yanked!
BleuFlyinKittensTimesInfinity chapter 13 . 8/22/2016
I'm sure you've been getting a ton of reviews but this really is a great story, and its been five years... if you're still an active author it would be totally awesome if you thought about picking this story back up. In also sure I'm not the only one who thinks this. Hopefully this review (and plea as it were) teachers you in good health and that live has treated you well.
KatieLyn chapter 13 . 2/1/2016
Eh, it's complete enough to suit me. I was worried when I committed to reading this, seeing that it's not officially complete. But you really resolved all the open ends at this point. We can imagine a complete mission full of adventure and a happy retirement from here. I'm a happy reader. If you had to "abandon" or go on hiatus, this was a good place to leave off. Thanks for the great read. Thanks for letting us see T'Lyra one more time and know she's getting along well and getting her ears restored and that her mom is doing well.
KatieLyn chapter 5 . 1/31/2016
Wrigley's Pleasure Planet. Seriously? I don't remember much of the original series. Is that name from canon? It's hysterical! What do they sell in their gift shops, chewing gum and condoms?

Their date went about how I expected it would, from start to finish. Except for the testicles near the kidneys part. Jeez, relationships with aliens are complicated. I do not want to know what a Vulcan willie looks like. Double ridges? This must be written somewhere because it's not the first time I've seen that description. It's worse when the author goes on about the green coloring. Then I find myself helplessly picturing asparagus.
KatieLyn chapter 3 . 1/31/2016
If this were all about humans in real life then of course Leonard is completely right and Kirk is an idiot. It is sick for a rape victor to become romantically involved with their rapist. And this was a particularly brutal rape. Leonard must still be quite traumatized. I know I would be if that had happened to my best friend and I had to be the doctor as well as the friend.

But it's science fiction dealing with alien biology and Spock technically was not even mentally present for the rape. However he is legally and morally responsible for not fully disclosing to the CMO the danger he posed to humans in the state of Plak Tow. He should have been confined to the brig for the sake of human safety. McCoy's anger is not unjustified. But it is slightly misplaced and illogically applied.

What I don't understand is how Amanda and Anja were able to survive mating with a Vulcan during Pon Farr if it's so dangerous to humans that even Uhura and Jim were not to be considered as viable candidates for mating. I would assume if the sex takes place early enough before the blood fever takes over, it's safe enough for the mates. Otherwise there would be no marriages to humans permitted at all. Unless a sexual surrogate is utilized during Pon Farr. I know that's a topic in other fictions.
tanseynz chapter 13 . 2/22/2015
I'm sorry you haven't returned to this but very glad you shared as much as you did. It's been a fascinating piece of writing and it's amusing to imagine how you would have taken it further. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Gina chapter 13 . 6/2/2014
Oi, você sabe que sua história é ótima muito boa mesmo, a 1ª parte é de tirar o folego eu sofri com o Spock o desespero dele nossa... e esta 2ª parte o entendimento deles o tempo de espera para as emoções estabelecer muito bom o enredo, parabéns.
cyiusblack chapter 13 . 5/18/2014
update soon
Elaine du Lac chapter 10 . 5/12/2014
Aww. And he's 'Bones' again!
arlena.ferrell chapter 13 . 5/12/2014
I love this fic please continue when you have the time.
Elaine du Lac chapter 3 . 5/11/2014
Aha! Another tale of sin and redemption is starting, starring Bones as the offender this time! Nice. Great way of weaving multiple, inter-related story-lines while maintaining the same over-arching theme.
Ladycrow67 chapter 13 . 2/3/2014
This is a great story. I hope you write more soon.
Gina chapter 13 . 1/30/2014
Oi, eu adorei esta historia, a primeira parte é perfeita, achei meio esquisito aquilo com o Dr. Bones mas ainda bem que não se prolongou, e na verdade a amizade deles tinha que permanecer. Kirk e Spock são lindos amo estes dois, espero que você continue embora vejo que a ultima atualização foi em 2011, mas esta historia vale apena ter um final não desista dela apesar de tudo.
Thankful.For.You chapter 12 . 6/6/2013
I just absolutely love this story! It is by far one of my favorites for this couple. I adore the idea of Kirk and Spock; so cute!
I enjoyed reading your story and I hope you can finish it soon! :)
sami1010220 chapter 13 . 5/29/2013
Good job! I especially liked that you made it known that spock was as affected by the events of the last fic as kirk was.
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