Reviews for A Day in the Life
Janice chapter 1 . 7/23
This is some insanely good writing. “...wearing grooves in each other’s existence...” “...Now he seemed to have discovered the secret to happy living. She wished she knew it, too...” The whole discussion of destiny versus choice. I’m here for it, living for it. I know this was ten years ago, but please write more.
Jessica chapter 6 . 7/18
The flavor of this fanfiction is immaculate. I’ve never tasted anything like this. Just phenomenal
Guest chapter 6 . 6/14
This is beautiful. You are a very talented author.
DIO39 chapter 2 . 2/9
Guest chapter 6 . 11/18/2019
One of the best kataang fanfics I have ever read! Great writing and great story line. Keep up this talent you have.
misticMoonW chapter 6 . 11/10/2019
I loved this so much you really captured how their lives would look. You also showed how mature they have all become.
waterbendtheocea chapter 6 . 5/1/2019
o!m!g! I love this so much! Your awesome writing skills and humour and romance in the story is amazing! Even though it's not canon, I can totally imagine the characters in your story! Pls keep it up! I'm waterbendtheocean, I would be so happy if you are still writing and willing to add me as a friend ;)
tlok-is-bad chapter 6 . 2/23/2019
The spirit world stuff in this story isn’t really canon-consistent, but despite that I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH! My favorite fluffy Kataang story.
RainyRain123 chapter 6 . 2/5/2019
this fanfic is the perfect mix of humor, romance, and angst ever! you really did a great job and i'd like to thank you for writing such amazing fanfic. i don't know how but you put katara's emotion so beautiful here, i felt hurt the way she did. it must be one of the facts that you're a great author :3 keep up the good work!
A.D.Curtis chapter 6 . 1/22/2019
Since I have now read this fic so many times, enjoying and appreciating its quality each time, I think it is about time I left you a comment. I have read a lot of ATLA Fan Fiction (a lot!) and I can genuinely say, this and your ‘conversations with the Avatar’ are my favorites. Hands down. I don’t know how you do it — originality, adding in believable ways to the lore and characterization, and your descriptions are just right to show the emotions and action and interactions so beautifully, without being wordy and burdensome. Even though you have chosen to write about our characters at a younger age than most who choose to add romance, your portrayal gives a maturity and depth to their relationships, especially to Aang and Katara’s relationship, that I have yet to find a parallel. You’ve managed to include the depth of their connection, which goes so much deeper than just attraction (although that is clearly there as well!); you have shown how evenly they compliment and support each other. They feel like they will last because they so openly adore each other and fill in to make the other stronger. My own marriage of 12 years is like this, so seeing it portrayed here resonates so truly with me. Anyway, thank you for doing these fantastic characters justice in your work.
Zuccherina chapter 6 . 6/10/2018
It's awesome, it's really what I was looking for! Relationships between Aang and Katara work in the way I really see it! Thank you so much for such a good story.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/21/2018
Que espectáculo leer tu historia.
Kisahnarasi chapter 1 . 5/17/2018
I love this story so much, and I don't know how many times I reread this!
Orange Dash chapter 6 . 3/20/2017
I loved reading this! This a really awesome Kataang story!
byzinha chapter 6 . 3/13/2017
Oh, how I enjoyed reading this! Very interesting and in character, and I liked that you managed to bring everyone to your story, even if just indirectly. I'm glad I found this fic.
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