Reviews for Can't
Passionworks chapter 1 . 11/21/2011
I truly hope in the continuation of the series that Aang does not take Azula's bending away. I mean, truthfully, she doesn't deserve it. Ozai did. As for your fic, it is very well-written, and, in a short span of writing, sends a very powerful message.

Wonderful work!

Teefarino chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
This is awesome! Such good characterizations! And I love how the word "friends" from Azula was a "distasteful curse." Of course that is how she sees 'friends' after Ty Lee and Mai betrayed her. Yess, your word choices were perfect! :) I really enjoyed reading this! Nicely done!

Castle Tsar chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
hahaha...pretty nice. its a good start. wonder how this will play out
Rozozzy chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
This is a work of art.

Glittering Turquoise chapter 1 . 10/5/2010
Aang did the right thing. After all, it was her father who teach her bad things including her grandfather. Zuko, Ursa, & Iroh however didn't bad things and ther're not the villains in the family.

Azula should be grateful that Aang didn't take her bending away instead of getting angry and becoming insane. I don't think he'll ever do it to her in show either. He didn't even want to hurt her or take her bending away after all the bad things she has done to him and his friends including her brother & uncle even her own former friends.

Beautiful work! Good luck on your other stories!
Terribly Sharp chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
Beautiful, a work of poetry, almost.

Short, sweet, and straight to the point, although I wish there was more reasoning behind why Aang couldn't do it.

Still, beautiful story. Don't change it, it's memorable just the way it is.
