Reviews for 143
Ameri4929 chapter 6 . 7/4/2018
Espero que el amor no corespondido de Fracis sea Alfred
Ameri4929 chapter 7 . 7/4/2018
Dreamshipper229 chapter 7 . 10/29/2016
This is so amazing! Everything about this story is so strange and captivating and your writing style is so unique that I can't seem to stop reading! I've read countless Fanfictions and the way you write is so different from all of them, I could read your writing all day :)). Good job on this story! I hope some day you decide to finish this because it is honestly so wonderful and now whenever I hear the song this is the first thing I think of x). Anyways good job as always :) xoxo
OutToGarden chapter 7 . 6/9/2014
Y U NO FINISH THIS? Seriously you could have done a shoddy wrap-up in like two chapters or SOMETHING instead of leaving us with all these questions :/
FelixFelicis-LiquidLuck chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
Haha, I keep thinking of Henry Lau's song 1-4-3... xD Cute!
Mysterious chapter 5 . 11/1/2013
*internet face slap* I am mad at you stranger I ship pruaus wholeheatedly and I can't believe that you made it seem like Prussia was using Austria just to get back at Canada for not being gay and this is probably the weirdest sentance I have every typed. but I still am really mad at u for that! Yeah that's 8 exclamation marks. Now that my rant (if u can call it that) is over I guess I should be glad u included pruaus at all (bipolar sets mode on) and sorry for the slap but Im am mad at you anyway I have to go now I have to teach my thick headed brother a lesson(keseseses). Goodbye to u stranger. }8-( still angry and bipolar.
Taconinja chapter 7 . 11/1/2013
Hallo it me again if you saw my last comment that is (see chapter six reviews if u can its me the Texas person) anyway this may be really stupid but I just noticed in the descriptor at the beginning of the story(or summary whatever) that it clearly states that a BRITISH person in his class sends him the text 143 (which I thought was super cute btw) but in the story he denies that it was him (cue mind explosion) so I was curious about that oh and also I skipped strait to the review box when I noticed it so I didn't read this chapter yet *begs for forgiveness* and this is a long comment so now I must say farewell strange author hope to read again soon. /:D smiles
Taconinja chapter 6 . 11/1/2013
Hallo this is taconinja and I wanted to thank you for making America a texan like me my neighbor and everyone else in Texas but I have the weirdest feeling that you only made him a Texan because either one,you aren't from the U.S. and the only state you know of is Texas two,you want the readers to recognize the state (not an unknown place like delaware) three,you are a Texan (if this is it im proud that you have state pride) or four, you just picked a random state and went with it. Either way I will now type a happy face 8D. Now goodbye strange author(if u hav a different reason don't hate me for not getting it).
SenNoYoruWoKoete chapter 7 . 6/28/2013
Am I the only one who's mind exploded and doesn't know what the fuck is going on? O.O
moocow4me chapter 7 . 4/2/2013
I love this! Update! XD
switmikan74 chapter 1 . 11/15/2012
Bai-Marionette chapter 7 . 9/3/2012
I wanna know what happens?!
Who's 143?
Who tops?! (I hope Arthur...please let Arthur top.)
I want PruCan, and UKUS and SpaMano.
ninjaco0kieXD chapter 7 . 8/22/2012
Wait im a little confused, who did francis like? Feli?
You should so continue! Please please. Im so waiting for more UkUs!
and arthur's taller? YES YES YES! I lol'ed at when Arthur said he wears the pants!
aki-is-dead chapter 7 . 7/22/2012
Why have you not finished this wonderful story TnT WHYYYYYY
AChapterCanBeABook chapter 7 . 7/1/2012
I haven't been this moved by a story in so long. I was on the edge as tears filled my eyes and i yelled at Arthur for being such an asshat to his brother, and Matthew for being so cold to Gilbo. This story is so strong and entertaining (to the point where i drove my sister out of the room with my laughter or moans in disappointment, or even my out bursts in reply to some of the things the characters said) I am glad to say that i sit in anticipation for the next chapter and the ones to follow. I just have to know who Francis' secret love is and what the bad touch trio will be up to, also i cannot wait for the relatinships to develop further.(esecially Alfred and Arthur's) Your story is absolutely fabulous and i would like to thank you for sharing such a great piece of entertainment with us in the fanfiction community. Please update soon, the continuation is much anticipated. 3
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