Reviews for Orders
Polly Little chapter 1 . 6/17/2018
The reactions here are fantastic
LDK chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
This could definitely be continued, however as a one shot I love it as is. Fantastic story, Loved it all the way through. Thanks for writing this!
Dragonfire78 chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
It's always sad when authors turn brothers against eachother, but it just had to be done some days! This was a pretty great idea and I liked it! Amazing job!
Kalina chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
I actually kinda liked John. Sure, he was a kiss ass, but he was a /snarky/ kiss ass. That totally makes up for the fact that he knocked Prussia out with a handgun. Just kidding. Nothing makes up for that. You don't knock out Prussia with a handgun. ...Everyone knows that you use a frying pan. (Just realised my unintentional reference to Hungary. Huh.) But I still liked John. Just a lot less than I would've had he not caused physical harm to Gilbert.
Bleach-ed-Na-tsu chapter 1 . 4/7/2013
Bada** Mattie to the rescue!
You are driving me mad with your PruCan stories...they're just so good... sorry, I'm stalking your profile now.
SkyGem chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
You know, I think I'll put you on my alerts :3 I absolutely adore all the little one-shots I've read from you so far, and now I really want a multi-chap. Forgive me for not favouriting any of them, ne? I put all my very favourite complete fics in my C2. Anyways, this is pretty different from the other fluffy one-shots I've read until now, but it's still just as amazing. I loved it. Thanks bunches for sharing it, author-san!
YeahYouWannaKnowMyName chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Oh please don't let this be a one shot! I'll even put you on my Author watch list!
Aya-of-the-night chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
This is great :) I really like this AU/alternate timeline thing If you can, I think you should continue XD
MelancholyMadness chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
I love assassin fics! I especially love it when they're well written with good pairings and an actual plot. I'm glad the length was sort of short because I think I'm going to pass out any second now, but I would gladly read a sequel at a time when I am awake. That is if you wrote one. If you decide to keep it a one shot... I actually don't know how I'd fe because my brain is dead, but I feel that the ending was good how it was so... Ya! Thanks for writing this! :D

Tweaks chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
So I read this well over a week ago... I had to read it again because I forgot everything I was going to say. Oops.

In a way this story reminded me of reading a random section of a book you've never picked up before. You're not certain of the situation, setting, anything; but still you piece together the important parts. You then stop reading, and you're left wondering where it goes from there, and what the significance of some things were.

There are some things I still wonder... what was the meaning of the note reading 'soon'? Why was Matthew there, anyways? What will happen of them next? Those are things that, unless you do decide to continue, I guess I'll never know... and you know what? Even if I never find out, it doesn't bother me. The whole thing feels a little mysterious, anyways...

My favourite part of this was definitely the dialogue between Gilbert and the prison guard. The story has a rather dark feel, and Gilbert sitting in a concrete cell with a concussion just doesn't make the situation feel any brighter. But despite all he kept up a spunky attitude, and I couldn't help but laugh at the things he said! I think that bit of humour was just what it needed to complete it!

P.S.: :D :D :D I can't wait to read that "Sans Paraplui" story! Also, as long as you're smiling, I'll do the same! So let's both smile... even if this world holds a lot of sadness and pain, there is always something out there worth smiling about... something happy and sweet. Some days you just have to look harder than others. Still wishing for the best for you all, as always!

P.P.S.: You are the only person I can write reviews this long for oO

P.P.P.S: I also read another of your stories over a week ago... it's after midnight, though, so I may get around to reviewing it tomorrow... or not...

P.P.P.P.S.: My postscripts here are getting almost as long as the actual review!

P.P.P.P.P.S.: I'm actually going to shut up now. Bye for now!
Jaybirdy123 chapter 1 . 4/2/2011
If liking John makes you a bad person then you can count me among the ranks. xD He may have been a random bootlicker, but the dialogue between him and Gil made me laugh.

And honestly, in a fic like this I think language is forgivable. x3 Saying "Oh darn," when you get a concussion just isn't quite forceful enough.
SchemingAlchemist chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
Honestly, when I first looked at the summary, I was expecting a depressing tragedy that would end in someone's death...but it wasn't! Thanks for keeping them alive-and Matt would make a pretty awesometastic spy, with his invisibility and all. :D
Life's Shadows chapter 1 . 10/18/2010
I was a little afraid to read this story because of the summary, and I really don't like it when my favorite characters die, but since I really like you and your other stories are really good, I decided I might as well. I'm glad I did, I like this :D
Light Apparition chapter 1 . 10/15/2010
You should continue this- I really enjoy the voice. You write Prussia as the badass he is. I like badasses.
orangepencils chapter 1 . 10/14/2010

I loved the ambiguous ending-ish sort of as in they're escaping, but they haven't succeeded or failed yet. And Matthew the spy, OMG I LOVED THAT!

kjdhfnoi eh joiehwrj o3i4rjl oierg Loved it. and loved the whole conflict Gilbert had and the interactions he had as well! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
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