Reviews for Are you sure this was a good idea?
The DCG chapter 3 . 12/16/2019
Ahh yes, let's take the abused and mistreated boy and do more to him.

Now i remember why i stopped reading this before..
ordinaryguy2 chapter 18 . 10/3/2019
Oh my, not that is not something you see everyday. Good job! The songs really were amusing. I don't know when I have seen a Sweet plot done so well.
trekkifulron chapter 18 . 11/12/2018
Chapters 1-17 were awesome. 18 failed for me because of a deep hatred of musicals. If you ever pick up this story again I'll happily read more it's quite fun.
Jimbocous chapter 18 . 6/13/2018
Good grins, and Thanks for a fun read so far. The songs bit, not so much :p
WillItWork chapter 18 . 6/12/2018
Huh, I thought I posted a review for this.

Anyway! The story has been fun, and I marathoned the whole thing up until this chapter. As I recall, the episode in Buffy was a bit of a base breaker too.

Still, for a mostly functioning crackfic, where Dora gets laid and waylaid, the Scoobies invade Potterverse, and the whole thing breaks apart to be put together better — I'm down for it.

Whenever you get back to it, and thanks for sharing.
ravendor92 chapter 8 . 4/24/2018
Read this fic multiple times and still need more!
radindusan2 chapter 3 . 10/14/2017
So he's going trough his own Heartbrake Ridge? I guess Hermione is his own Gunny Highway,then.
Runecutter chapter 18 . 10/11/2017
Nooooo there will be more singing?
That is torture. That must break the geneva convention... or at least some local council rule against literary noisy molestation...

The only saving grace is that it was not the stupid Halloween demon!
Although it might be nice to have Harry turn into Ken by accident and Hermione NOT being happy about her BF losing all his not yet important equipment ;-)
Runecutter chapter 17 . 10/11/2017
Oh, crack is back... with a vengeance :D

Lovely how well that sentence with Hermione and FLeur becoming friends turned out :D
Runecutter chapter 15 . 10/11/2017
This actually sounds like good advise from Xander and a lot wiser than "doofus" usually portrays himself... Does he realize that Harry is in a lot of ways also like him? And with the ridiculous amounts of magic he can generate at times (100 dementors patronus) he's also like Dawn or Willow... a one man scooby team with issues enough for all four, five, thirteen of them...

Awww and the "better sleep" thing at the end was also great... i often have seen it done the other way, in Hermione stories, in Daphne Stories, even with Luna... a slight touch by the "right girls" and his nightmares are soothed and his nights become more restful and less prone to trigger PTSD... turning it the other way to get Hermione away from her very own Hulk Impression, was a nice touch! :D
Runecutter chapter 14 . 10/10/2017
ALL life in Australia is lethal... toothy, poisonous, venomous, sneaky, murdery... even the sheep and the grass... ESPECIALLY the grass.
And they have got DROPBEARS.

For all that is holy... don't call anything from Australia cute. It could be the last thing you ever say :-P
Runecutter chapter 12 . 10/10/2017
Xander has a Blade Runner/Decker and Jack Ryan/Tom Clancyverse Fetish? :-p (just saying he did not just play an archeologist and interstellar logistics entrepreneur ;-))

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... the horror?!
At least now we know how griphons and hippogryphs are born :D
And the Granger's house now will have to get a Griffin-Door on the roof :-p
Runecutter chapter 11 . 10/10/2017
Great solution to the Tonks arch.
Now get the friggin dog sorted out, huite huite!
Runecutter chapter 10 . 10/10/2017
Oh, sounds like SOME people now know a far more horrifying sentence than "we are from the government and we just want to help you" :D
Runecutter chapter 9 . 10/9/2017
Ohhh... what a missed opportunity!
After all Book one literally describes Harry doing these things Hermione talks about (reading all his books and dreaming about doing the spells, maybe even trying a few out), him blurting out "He, before I met Ron... I ... I... Oh Hermione, I'm sorry... Before I met Ron I did the same, but then I thought it would want him not be my friend anymore and I just stopped trying so hard." would have been GREAT.
SUCH a gorgeous bonding opportunity by how they are more alike than they think... and you threw it away *shocked to tears*
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