Reviews for Cohesion
Ethyrin Kairos chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
This is incredibly well written, with a heart rending portrayal of reality. I especially love your last few line. Do keep it up!
m3wm3w chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
greatly enjoyed this fic! outstanding chronicles of their adolescent to adulthood, coming together and falling apart. i especially liked Byakuya & Nanao's, you have such great imagination!
xTsukuyomii chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
Loved it. This was so beautiful, yet heartbreaking at the end. I loved the last few lines: "They were barely cohesive, yet they stuck. Their bonds were feeble, yet they held for so many years. They could hardly be called friends, but formed a strong wall together. But no longer. It's a miracle that they lasted as long as they did." These lines were really beautiful and poetic, in a way.

Please keep up the good work!
Nelarun chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
This is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant! Thank you for posting!

BloodyCrystal chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
Wow. That was powerful. It's pretty easy to forget that they're all about the same age, considering the screwy timeline in Bleach, but this was a nice hint of what might have been.
Lellian chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
This is altogether, heart-breakingly plausible, whilst still being a combination of characters that have never existed inside my brain at one time together before. I like it when stories hit you out of the left field and are so easily believable. ) Certain lines, such as 'It's hard being a good Samaritan.' in regards to GIN of all people, 'It's notable that the only one Gin considers himself answerable to is Rangiku.' and 'Every bit of kido Ichimaru Gin and Matsumoto Rangiku have ever known, know and will know, they learned from Nanao.' really stick with me, more for their clear-seeing way of cutting to the heart of a relationship/feeling/character than any fancy word-play, which is a good thing. You also get painful points for realism concerning your representation of how friendships do fade and fall apart and self-destruct - it's a take that Kubo Tite does very well, actually, which results in the feel of a seamlessly well-crafted universe. It makes it believable and I LOVE believable.
amazing chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
Just gorgeous. I love the what-ever-it-is relationship w/ Nanao and Byakuka, and Damn- you gotta expand on this . Awesomeness!
Vyvie Hanamori chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
I really like this one. I'm not a Byakuya x Nanao shipper, but considering their mindsets during their "moment" I think it's pretty possible for it to happen. o_O And it's almost scary how you managed to write it so well. Amazing job.
Nicky Eira chapter 1 . 10/18/2010
This was funny, this was sad, this was touching- it was everything! I loved it from start to end. The progression of the relationships through time was just beautiful. Where's that favorite button? You're going on the list for sure ;)
Hasty chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
This is so sad and powerful. Funnily enough, it'd be fairly in character for Byakuya and Nanao to pair up. (Though I like the idea of her and Kenpachi much better.)
capslock-nanao chapter 1 . 10/16/2010

Why. Why was this in my spam folder. Why have the gods kept me from reading this.

Thank you SO. MUCH. For telling me about this. And for writing it. This has to be one of my all-time favorite fanfictions ever. I ship a new Nanao pairing with a passion. And now I have a horrible urge to write it.

I'm just thoroughly dumbfounded. How can you possibly be so amazing...
bells-mannequin chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
thats a really interesting story. I'm not a big fan of Nanao and Byakuya together but in this case it didn't really matter that much. I like the thought of those five as a kind-of-gang, the way you describe them in their teenage years.

Especially the parts when Byakuya and Gin interact are great: I've never before read a story with the two of them interacting and it's a pretty nice :D

I like it C:
Snowkid chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
Ok so it was funny and breathtaking at the same time, i love it!
rubyxblade chapter 1 . 10/15/2010
Woah. This is...incredible. I enjoy many of your stories, and this one is definitely a great one. Thank you.
0Sam0 chapter 1 . 10/15/2010
Well, this was one os the best one-shots I've ever read. The background is amazing. If possible, u should definetly write a sequel of some sort. I think u've got a pretty good hand for writing this stuff.

Keep up!
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