Reviews for Chain Reaction: A Collision of Interests
reality deviant chapter 13 . 12/12/2016
great to see this update. I cant wait for the rewrite to reach and suppress its progress.
Null-Nature chapter 13 . 12/12/2016
Interesting. First time I found this story and its pretty good. Looking forward to the rewrite.
Kinunatzs The Eternal chapter 13 . 12/12/2016
Wow what an obvious nerfing of Noble Phantasm
guy chapter 13 . 12/12/2016
JamesV chapter 15 . 9/4/2016
Are you rewriting anytime soon, or is this a dead fic? Probably the latter, but I want to make sure.
Engineered Muse chapter 15 . 1/1/2016
Great story, fun action scenes, with some good humor. I lost it at Lancer learning guitar from Dio. Other than a couple misplaced or missing letters, I don't see much in the way of errors. It's awesome to see your writing imprive over time. Hope that rewrite still happens, but if not, thanks for the story.
ZE Bri-0n chapter 15 . 9/29/2015
... couldn't he... Trace a lockpick? Or reinforce one?
ZE Bri-0n chapter 14 . 9/29/2015
Prepare for a rant! The irony is, that Caladbolg is nowhere near Archer's strongest attack. Especially if he knows Rune Magic. Eh, he could probably just get Lancer to teach him the spell. Ath something. Adds a rank to Gae Bolg and inforces a fight to the death. Combined with an Altered Broken Gae Bolg, and his Unlimited Blade Works( weapons inside of Works don't lose ranks, right?) And he's got an attack two ranks above B, that can't be blocked or avoided. It he can get it to fly without become it's Anti-army equivalent,it's inescapable too. If he can Trace Gungnir, it's a non issue. Though I wonder, can he Trace Gungnir? After all, it is a Divine Construct, though FSN:UBW pretty much confirms he's seen it. And on the subject, can he Trace Enkidu? Because I can see all kinds of uses for an Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm, with the help of a little Alteration Thaumaturgy...well, maybe not that many, but I feel he should have a weapon against the gods, even if most are dead or elementals. And when you think about it, if he took the time to study his Magecraft, he might have a way to combine Noble Phantasms. If he can do that, he's pretty much unstoppable. Gungnir pretty much anything and he essentially wins. Rule Breaker, either of FZ Lancer's spears, Harpe, Durandal, Gram, etc. Seriously, Shirou has the potential be be really OP. Like, Dead Apostle Ancestor levels, even with his rather pathetic magic circuits. Though as I have said before, Shirou was never tested for circuits by Kiritsugu... which is quite literally the first think you're supposed to do...Shirou has above average quantity. And for someone who opened their circuits so late, his quality is rather impressive. So, who the Hell was he before the fire? No way a first generation magus could have that many circuits of that (original)quality.
ZE Bri-0n chapter 13 . 9/28/2015
I am disappointed about one thing only: Gilgamesh did not give Vivo a Noble Phantasm. He totally could have, and it would have been great. I'm also kinda against anyone without a certain "weight" defeating a Servant, even if it is just Bluebeard. Who isn't really that powerful. He just has a good book. That's really it. And yes, Vivo is a clone of a woman who's pretty much guaranteed a spot on the Throne when she dies( unless Heroic Spirits are an Earth thing), but she's still just a mortal girl, a young one at that, even being a mage progeny. She simply doesn't have the "weight" of demigods( especially the one we have to thank for modern civilization itself - Gilgamesh, who is actually more god than human), anthropomorphic dragon faery kings wielding holy Fae Swords that conceptualize Victory, or the men who's titles the word "assassin" is actually derived from, or Alexander the Great, or someone like Shirou Emiya, who's very existence is a heresy against both God and the World itself.
ZE Bri-0n chapter 12 . 9/28/2015
Assassin as Shirou's Servant... yeah, I could see that. After the end of the Fate route, Shirou is essentially Archer, minus his contract with Alaya. And perhaps even stronger than Archer: he knows what he's good at now. And he's already got some of Archer's Phantasms in his Marble Archer had to seek them out. He'd advance faster. And maybe learn some Rune Magic. He really should learn that. His natural talents are perfect for it, and combined with Gae Bolg, he could fire an A Broken Phantasm( when the proper Runic Spell is cast, Gae Bolg's Rank increases by one. It also renders both sides unable to not fight to the death,something perfect for Shirou. Break Gae Bolg, and he's just added 2 ranks to a B Noble Phantasm that never misses. Sounds like a good deal to me.
ZE Bri-0n chapter 5 . 9/27/2015
Kaleidoscope is the operation of parallel universes. In MGLN, they travel between dimensions. Different. Dimensions are like intact sections of a cracked mirror. Parallel universes are like other cracked mirrors reflecting that mirror. And there is magecraft that can travel to other dimensions( employed by Kayneth El-Melloi Archebald during the Fourth Holy Grail War to fortify his fortress by causing some pathways to lead to "other worlds", as well as being the main residence of the Phantasmal Species in the modern Nasuverse) but only Kaleidoscope can operate parental worlds. So basically, both the magi and mages are confined to a single mirror, but Zelretch to travel to other mirrors.
ZE Bri-0n chapter 3 . 9/22/2015
"Limited effect on Servants"? If it ain't magic, it shouldn't have any effect on Servants whatsoever.
ZE Bri-0n chapter 1 . 9/22/2015
Um.. that was not the Holy Grail. Or at least it didn't sound like it...And it was on the moon... did they just steal from the Crimson Moon? The thing so fucking powerful that it can move a hunk of rock a fourth the size of the planet, so mighty that calling its heir a god actually insults her? And weakens her in the Servant system? Welp, they're fucked. Especially considering Crimson Moon's favorite pastime: slaughtering humans.
MadFrog chapter 15 . 4/28/2015
How soon we will see the rewriting?
Grizzmon chapter 2 . 1/30/2015
Ah yes, Arthur being a girl, hehehe.
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