Reviews for Babies Don't GO There!
sherbetkiss chapter 9 . 11/4/2012
This is sooo cute! I love Kiyone! She reminds me of my little sister! xD please update soon! I love this a lot!
LadyJemsie chapter 9 . 11/4/2012
I f-ing love this! Your writing is really good and it's interesting to read through :D
(And it's cute, funny, and relaxing too :) )

Keep up the good work!
Frost D. Zen chapter 9 . 10/12/2012
I wander what would happen if kyo-chan and gaara meet.
optimistic-snoopy chapter 8 . 10/12/2012
Oh my god, how could I not see these fiction earlier?! This is soo sweet, his little sister is so adorable I want to have a sister like her 3
Still, I know it's AU but how could Kiyone be born if Kakashi (and her) parents are dead? Did I miss something?
Ah well, but please update soon!
Frost D. Zen chapter 7 . 10/6/2012
XD it was sasuke's fault that kiyo-chan learned that word.
loba chapter 6 . 9/28/2012
I really like your story when are you going to update
PervertAnimeOtaku chapter 6 . 8/23/2012
Ha ha ha, da cutest/awesomist ting evah. •3•
LadyJemsie chapter 6 . 2/18/2012
This is so f-ing CUTE! XD
CandidCherry chapter 6 . 9/12/2011
K.E. Smith chapter 5 . 4/21/2011
lmfao, I love this. :)
MalikaiDragonSlayer chapter 4 . 4/19/2011
"Female chibified version of him..." LOL I'm just imagining that.
story-teller666 chapter 4 . 4/19/2011
Child leashes? Are those like dog leashes, except their used on kids? Wow...never heard of those before.
MalikaiDragonSlayer chapter 3 . 3/23/2011
Keep writing please!
MalikaiDragonSlayer chapter 2 . 3/23/2011
So he is related!
MalikaiDragonSlayer chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
"Oh. Hell. To the no." LOL
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