Reviews for A Chevalier's Chevalier
S.K.Y cyrus chapter 9 . 11/4/2013
Yay! An update. Great chapter, can't wait for the next one.
geecee chapter 9 . 11/3/2013
Yay! So happy you updated! Was starved for some Solomon/Hagi goodness here :D Loved the bit of kindness here, and that Hagi being bold by biting Solomon.. I love Hagi being treated 'kindly' as much as I love him being tortured, lol. Please update again soon *hearts*! XD
geecee chapter 8 . 7/17/2013
Thanks for updating! Haven't read any new Solomon x Hagi fic for...quite long time? Ahaha. Now, what's Hagi reaction if Solomon being nice? :D Hope you update again. Thanks!
S.K.Y cyrus chapter 8 . 7/10/2013
APanime101 chapter 8 . 6/26/2013
Ok... loving the story... I have some suggestions if u want them :)
S.K.Y cyrus chapter 7 . 8/6/2012
I loved it hope you can find the time to continue on with this :)
Carzilla888 chapter 7 . 3/18/2012
I love solomon to pieces especially when he's seme please update please this is so good u have to don't start off on a good note then not finish don't be like me a lazy procrastinator who never see good stories through please finish this story
NightStalker21 chapter 7 . 9/27/2011
Don't worry about your writer's block, this was awesome. I was actually really worried you would never ever update again, but you made me happy again. It was short, but I loved it
Saya and Hagi together 4 ever chapter 7 . 8/9/2011
Sweet freakin' damn!

I loved reading this!

Damn you, this was freakin' hot!

Short sweet and really hot!

I loved it!

Though it looks like you left us on another cliffhanger I could honestly careless.

This was great!

Words cannot express how much I loved this chapter!

I hope you update this again really soon!
Saya and Hagi together 4 ever chapter 6 . 5/13/2011
I really enjoyed this chapter 'Dreams, Sex' BondSlave.

I'll admit though I'm not entirely against seeing Hagi getting willing sex from Saya, I honestly wouldn't have minded seeing some smut added in with this lemon.

I enjoy almost any type of lemon or smut no matter what shape or form it takes in fan fiction.

Solomon doesn't really play much of a role here.

But I don't mind.

I kind of secertly like to picture Solomon as sort of a sadistic ass when he's all alone.

I don't buy Solomon's 'I'm a very nice rich sweet charming polite gentleman prettyboy' act for one minute.

But that's just me and how I like to view Solomon.

Please no flames!

I'm the one who requested this fan fiction from BondSlave.

And I should be entitled to how I like to view Solomon without the threat of flames flamers trolls or haters!

So flames please flamers haters hate mail trolls or trolling from anyone!

Oh well.

I can't wait to see chapter seven.

Please update soon.

I hope to see an update before another six months has passed.

No offense there BondSlave.

I hope that you have a very nice pleasent blessed evening BondSlave.

God bless you BondSlave.

Pookyilicous chapter 6 . 5/13/2011
I don't usually read this type of fic but I thought I might try something different, I think I may read more

Liked it :P

Pooky xxx
Hellysion chapter 5 . 12/18/2010
Ohhhhh, I was so looking forward to the rape scene, snifffff. I love it, I always wanted to read something like this about dear Haji, hihihihi, please continue it :D
Butterfly1987 chapter 5 . 11/21/2010
I read your story, even though I detest Yaoi fics because I don't get anything out of it. But at least it was interesting. But I adored the parts where Hagi masturbated thinking of Saya and his memory/dream of walking in on Saya in the bath. Your story is so well written. Because of how you wrote Hagi's dream/memory, I strongly recommend/request you stories of Hagi and Saya together at the Zoo when he was first brought there. No plot in mind, just Hagi going through puberty as he develops all sorts of feelings for Saya. There's bound to be some bumps and colorful days ahead of him as Saya's companion. Maybe earlier chapters of Saya with her previous companions. I don't know why she might have had companions other than Hagi, all I can possibly think of is Joel & Amshell eagerly educating her about sex and introducing her to attractive males around the ages of 16-20. But these companions didn't accept Saya as Hagi did, which probably resulted in several partners for Saya in an attempt to get her pregnant.

I don't see Joel personally teaching her, I think she learned from books given to her from Amshell and Joel, might have been taught by Amshell (likely platonically, but that's up to the writer) and through eventual experience.

I have to say it's more realistic and appealing to read a fic were Saya was 'experienced' and not a naive virgin. I don't think Joel would wait until he was in his 70's-80's til trying to get Saya pregnant, doubt Amshell would stand for it either.

I like the idea of Saya teaching Hagi about puberty and mostly sex.

When you wrote Saya observing that Hagi was hard and asked if it was uncomfortable, I thought you were going to have her 'relieve' his ache. I couldn't help being a little sad she didn't, not even a kiss on the cheek. I know some people are a little stand-offish about writing a SayaXyoungHagi fic, but I'm such a hard-core SayaXHagi fan, I don't care what age Hagi is. He's just Hagi, Saya's soulmate and true love, to me.

I watched a series called Kanokon. Kouta is just as I imagine a young Hagi would be like, and Chizuru is somewhat how the more experienced Saya would be like. Check it out for yourself if you want.

Here are some cookies for you just for the parts of Hagi dreaming and masturbating to Saya. I'll give you many thanks and five dozen cookies if you write a fic like I described above. I'd be sooo grateful! (I ask you because your story inspired the idea and I loved how you wrote your story.)

Am I the only one who thinks people should write more anal & culliungus ( I hope I spelled that right) in smut fics between Saya and Hagi?

Later, hope you get more inspiration to write more fics.
Saya and Hagi together 4 ever chapter 5 . 11/17/2010
Damn you for leaving me on a cliff hanger!

But honestly I did enjoy this chapter.

God I am so looking foward to the next three chapters!

I love how Hagi freaked out.

Solomon is evil...

God I love Solomon...

Even more than that


Anyhow all and all this was a very good chapter.

I can't wait until you update again!

I also can't wait to see chapter six seven and eight.

I hope you have a very blessed evening BondSlave.

May God bless you your heart your soul and your writing.

God bless you BondSlave.

Saya and Hagi together 4 ever chapter 4 . 11/16/2010
Hot! Hot! Hot!

And more hot!


I loved this chapter BondSlave!

God damn you!

This chapter was just too good!

It really makes me want to do very hurtful things to Hagi with Solomon as I watch Hagi suffer!

Please don't flame me for that BondSlave or anyone else!

This is THE BEST CHAPTER I've read so far yet!


This was so damned good!

I totally loved this chapter!

I loved it so much!

Loved it! Loved it! Loved! Loved it!

Has anyone you're a great author lately?


Then let me tell you...

You're great!

Great! Great! Great! to 1000,000 times the infinaity of greatness!


I loved tghis chapter!

I can't wait to see chapter five!

Please update this story as soon as you can BondSlave!

Have a very blessed extremely great evening BondSlave.

May God bless you your life and all your stories BondSlave.
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