Reviews for Turning Slowly
Heartsnevermend chapter 1 . 4/13/2018
Lord Asmodeus chapter 27 . 4/9/2017
This was absolutely one of the most startlingly realistic pieces of work I have seen in this entire site. Absolutely brilliant. The characters felt so human. And not mere labels of morality, or tragedies. And again, the execution of it all, the consequences especially was simply wonderful. The cult-elements in the middle it sounds rather American at first glance, and indeed, there were Americanism faltering all over the place, yet, such a ludicrous plot actually worked.

This story doesn't even need an ending, the characters on paper have come alive, and now live their own lives. What masterful characterisation indeed.
JokersLastLaugh chapter 1 . 10/11/2016
this was a really good story and i really enjoyed reading it.
Guest chapter 27 . 3/28/2016
I'm glad this is still up. I miss your writing.
- WD
roseorfranky chapter 27 . 10/22/2015
I've just finished reading this story for the second time since I've joined the Naomily fanfiction fandom and I've disappointed myself in only having read it twice lol I'm one to usually re-read a story if I really like it as I have done with other stories on here. The part when Emily is asking questions and Naomi is being cut for each one always had a slight reappearance in my thoughts, and I don't know if that's weird because that's like the only part that slyly makes its way into my mind from time to time and it even surprises me because evey time I've remembered it, I always tell myself that I would come back to this story and re-read it. But I never did, at least not til now.

This story was literally the second story ever that I read when I was introduced to Naomily fanfiction, and I think that's why I'm greatly fond of it. I don't remember much of what my expressions were when I first read it, but reading it again, it's like I've never read it. I literally read chapter after chapter in two days time. As if I've never read it, I can safely say that it had me on the edge of my seat! I love the way everything is precisely described for the most part. I literally see every chapter being played out for how in depth they are. It's one of those stories that is so well written that it gives you a clear image as to what and how the scenes are being played out. I felt so drawn to the way you described what Naomi and Emily were going through that I felt emotional when they did or anxious when they were scared. I don't know if I'm being melodramatic or making any sense but these are my thoughts after reading this story again, and I don't think my words to it anywhere close to the justice that it deserves.

I don't remember how long back it was that I first read it but I see that it hasn't been updated since 2012.. and as you said in your author's notes, you don't like leaving things unfinished and I hope that still sticks true. I need an ending to this story! Even if it's just a rushed one I'll be content just as long as this story doesn't stay discontinued! I'm so, soooo happy that I decided to actually read this story again because I definitely forgot what a great story this is! Most definitely going into my re-read list again. Any other words of praise that I say won't do it justice just know that this is one of the best stories written in the Naomily fandom, no doubt about.

As a close, I leave it at hoping that there will eventually be an ending, and that this story doesn't stay discontinued! Thank you for the wonderful read!
Jordanpie chapter 27 . 8/20/2015
I've just finished rereading this amazing story after 4-5 years. I love it even more than the first time. You write so eloquently. I love how accurately you captured their personalities while also showing us a side of them we never got to see on the show. I stayed up all night unable to tear my eyes away from the screen for even a moment. Thank you for reminding me why my teenage self loved fanfiction so much.

I haven't gotten the chance to change my username but I think my farewell will be pretty self explanatory.

A most sincere thank you from you're friendly neighborhood transman.

mswitsend chapter 27 . 5/2/2015
yes... it is still being read.. thank you for having written it.. even if nothing more comes of it.
RosesAndSkulls chapter 27 . 3/30/2015
Hey there.

I'm not sure if you're still considering finishing this (although this could be considered an open ending of sorts), but I thought I'd send a few words your way regardless, because, frankly, this story deserves it.

Firstly, I've read a lot of Skins fics, or rather, started a lot. You see, I'm quite picky and as much as I adore most of the ideas and plot lines for the fics, a majority of people are, unfortunately, having trouble carrying out those ideas on paper - being that grammatically, portrayal of the characters or something else.

This story is something of its own. It's unique in a way we haven't seen before, it's incredibly, incredibly well-written and without losing the essence that is Naomi and Emily, you've managed to almost develop their characters, extend, or perhaps rather, explore their personalities and characteristics in the most wonderful way.

The story is slow-paced in regards to their relationship, yes, but I think that's only realistic, not only to the story world you've created, but to the relationship we all know from the series.

I guess, in short, what I'm trying to say is that this was one of the most well-written and thoroughly thought out stories I've read. I was beginning to lose hope that I'd find another story like this, but indeed I did.

I hope, if not fan fiction, that you're at least continuing to write whatever you might be doing in your life, because, darling, you really are quite talented.

All the best x
Darth Crusty chapter 26 . 2/1/2015
I feel an epilogue is in order.
Guest chapter 27 . 11/3/2014
Oh my goodness. Just re read this and realized,again,just how fantastic it is :)
rudemechanica chapter 27 . 11/2/2014
I remember reading this a couple years ago and loving it so much. I found it again a couple days ago after so much has happened including breakups, moves and comas! and this has hit me good and hard right in the chest and stomach. I LOVE IT.
The Unlucky 13 chapter 27 . 8/22/2014
Hi! I just read the chapter and I wanted to let you know that I had accidentally stumbled upon this fic after a long string if Naomily multi-chaps and I think I read this whole story in about 2 or 2.5 hours, I couldn't put it down. This is one of the best fics I've ever read and gave great further insight to the beloved characters of skins. Maybe in the future of this story you could introduce Effy, Cook, Freddie, JJ and the others and how their lives get tangled with each other as well. I look forward to reading more! :)
JAIvY chapter 27 . 6/9/2014
Just re-read this entire fic in one sitting, this is definitely one of the best stories, and I really wish that you would continue, however small the update would be.
Guest chapter 27 . 5/18/2014
I would love for you to finish this fan fic, as it deserves an ending. An ending in a sense would be so devastating, but I can't cope with it cutting off like this. I appreciate the fact that you have taken so much time into writing so far, but please.
I doubt you will even see this, or perhaps read it, but it'd be an honor to see it finished. Or some further acknowledgement, that could offer me closure.
This sounds so dramatic, sorry
anyhow, it's the best naomily fic i've ever read, so thank you.
Aceracer chapter 27 . 3/13/2014
Please finish :D
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