Reviews for You had me at 'I hate you'
random person chapter 3 . 4/5/2015
I have three things to say:
1. (you can skip this one it's just me rambling on trying to explain my thinking) ok so from what I understood in school it can'take really be that cold in Denmark (your description made it sound really cold)(Norway said "it's freezing"), because I've learned that the average temperature in south Sweden during winter is -1 degree (celcius) and Denmark should be warmer since it's further south. And uhh... now, this is my opinion on cold but let's say it might be colder than usual and it's -2 degrees (again, celcius). And that isn't really cold. At least, I walked around this entire winter with my usual clothes (jeans and a t-shirt really), the same thin jacket I use at autumn and spring, and a pair of shoes because this winter was warmer than usual (mostly -1 or -2 degrees) and the aph nordic5 seem to be wearing warmer clothes so... also I don't know if it snows in Denmark either but I think it does if it's cold.

now finally to the second one: thank you so much for actually explaining what scrabble is (I knew it was a word game but anyways) even though I've played it many times myself. Because I didn't actually know the English word for the game, I only knew the Swedish (Alfapet if you're wondering)

3. I REALLY, REALLY LOVED THIS FANFICTION PLEASE WRITE A SEQUEL, I NEED IT! Basically this was wonderful and I just want to read more! (*cough*Denmarksreactionafterhesawthescars*cough*)

(any grammar or spelling mistakes are either because of autocorrect or my bad English)
awesome chapter 3 . 10/9/2014
Dis fic is totally fab! Update soon, author!
Okumuroar chapter 3 . 3/23/2013
Wow, awesome !
I love this
MusicalEscape chapter 3 . 6/18/2012
I just hopped onto the DenSu ship, being a beginner Hetalia fan... and this blew me away. So awesome. And the cliffhanger but at the same time ending of sorts...

Just. So. Wonderful.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/10/2011
Aww, tis is cute!

Btw, I'm Dane - and yes it snows here BUT Denmark is the only Nordic country without mountains xD
SarahSerendipidy-OliviaMaestro chapter 3 . 9/8/2011
Aww, tis is cute!

Btw, I'm Dane - and yes it snows here BUT Denmark is the only Nordic country without mountains xD
indiesaurusrex chapter 3 . 12/31/2010
Ahhh the warm fuzzies this fic gives to this DenSu fan.

So cute, the way we see how the feelings take shape and the overall story with the littler stories in each chapter is just love.

Honestly one of the best i've read, keep writing.
PianoIsLove chapter 3 . 12/4/2010
Ooooh, I loved the ending! This was absolutely brilliant. Fantastic work, and much appreciation from one SweDen fan to another. :D
PianoIsLove chapter 2 . 12/3/2010
The psychology behind this is amazing. I really am enjoying this! The best SweDen I've read yet! :D Ahh, thank you for this!
PianoIsLove chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
Oh my gosh, I absolutely love this! SweDen is one of my OTPs, and Denmark's playful attitude even during the midst of a fight is perfect for him! Please keep going; this is brilliant. :)
jak09 chapter 3 . 11/7/2010
Aw, this was a wonderful story! I just LOVE DenSu I truly loved how you managed to keep Denmark and Sweden in character, your writing style is very addicting to read and it flows well.

I rather like how you've ended it, it leads the reader to come up with their own ending, use their imaginations.
Udyjay chapter 3 . 11/4/2010
...omg. please continue. please? i dont even.

just continue.
YumiBlossom chapter 3 . 10/24/2010
What a wonderful story about Denmark and Sweden! I love your writing style. You are really good a describing details and it's one of the best fanfic I've ever read :3

And it can't be completed yet, or can it? ;_; I want to know what happens