Reviews for Red wine and everything after
MartyMc49 chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
What a wonderful insight into both Jane and Lisbon's characters. I loved the whole premise of a game of questions. It was lovely that by the end Jane was also open in his sharing of thoughts and feelings with Lisbon. The hug was particularly satisfying. Thanks for writing this wonderful one shot.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
oh so sweet thanks for the read
LouiseKurylo chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
Nice piece. The real Lisbon and real Jane, behind the walls, behind the masks. Gentle and gradual - convincing that he might succeed in getting her to talk. Generous in giving something to her as well. Thanks.
Feralious chapter 1 . 6/12/2011
Hey there. ;) Thought I'd give another one of your fics a go, though it probably wasn't such a good idea to try and finish this before heading to bed, seeing as I'm too tired now to actually give you a great review... But I'll try.

You know my attitude towards Jisbon but reading your summary I just had to open this one up, also seeing as there wasn't actual Jisbon but still. ;) (Fyi, I loved those particular lines.) I believe that the first time I read your work was when you posted fluffy, lighthearted fics... Well, you sure are a versatile writer! It was really IC and it could totally happen on the show. Even though I like Jane's dark side, I'm also a sucker for caring, spontaneous Jane. I really like how you describe the relation between Jane and Lisbon, their thoughts as they tentatively try each other out. How Jane knows that she doesn't trust him instantly. Also, one part that really stuck with me was the "Please woman" part. I could taste the frustration dripping from it, even though he wants to comfort her and help her. I could really understand where it was coming from, there's only so much deflecting and ignoring you can take when all you want is for someone to feel better. But still, Jane kept on going. Jisbon or no Jisbon, he does care about her and this fic is a wonderful example of that.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
Beautifully written. Captured all the subtle ways they interact. Very in character. I enjoyed reading.
Frogster chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
That was great! A good rendition of the Lisbon/Jane talk I hope is soon to come...and I hope it plays out exactly like yours did. As much as I'd love to see a Jisbon kiss, I know that right now, Jane's not ready for that. But a Jisbon hug is nice as well. :D

Love how Jane's concern takes over, allows him to care about Lisbon's well-being. He's becoming less selfish, and that's a step in the right direction. Love how he wants to be there for her, wants to be the one she confides in. He can be so sweet sometimes.

Love his proposition of 20 questions...and Lisbon's "I never said I wanted to play." :D Classic Lisbon.

Love how he shared with her, opened up a little bit too. I hope that as he tries to help Lisbon heal, it will work both ways and he'll heal too.

Jane with an "intervention" banner sounds ridiculously adorable. :)

Again, loved the Jisbon hug and the hope it brings. :) Will you do a follow-up? I hope so. :)

Write more soon!
Anna chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
I really like it!
theskydreamer chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
I loved this, great job!
Cathartes chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
This was so cute! I only have one ojection: chinese food and red wine? Yuck! Jane would know that chicken goes with a white! Ha ha ha other than that it was terrific, don't worry about "ooc" because you're right, any time you have them go further than friendly banter you're going to run into that accusation, but we've got to have something to write about! More importantly, I'm so glad you addressed the Bosco thing, it drives me nuts that the show never went back to it. I think it would still be affecting Lisbon at least a little. The point is, great job and thanks for sharing!
dogeatdog chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
Awesome sauce.

And it isn't OOC, especially as you've included the thought processes behind their actions, makes it so much more realistic.

This is a fantastic story, thank you for sharing ;)
Famous4it chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
Interesting piece, I really liked it and the title fit perfectly.
yaba chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
Aww...that last paragraph melted me, which is no mean feat on such a freezing and rainy Friday afternoon. Truly lovely story. I really enjoyed every bit of it. To be honest, there aren't a lot of good season two post ep stories but you managed to create a comforting yet heavy mood in this that permeated throughout. I liked Jane's attempt to cheer Lisbon up in such a non-threatening and very sweet way. There was no farce here and that's what really warmed me. He can be at his best when there are no tricks involved (*ahem*2.16*ahem*) and thats what really stuck out to me.

I liked the descriptions as well. Lisbon's thought process especially, when she was at first wary of him as expected and then relaxed. I like that you brought up Bosco and that eventually Jane pushed Lisbon just enough to have her open up. I like that she was still hesitant but he reminded her that there was no ulterior motive...that really resonated with me, because Lisbon is initially mistrusting of Jane and in fics like these, authors tend to forget that, but you didn't and him drawing her out was a beautiful thing...truly well done.

Also loved the "Mr. Kumbaya" comment and Jane's spontaneous bursts of affection, like when he sat on the desk, touched her hand, and then hugged her. He would be the likelier of the two to initiate any physical contact and I'm glad you ran with it. I also loved using 20 questions a pretense for them confiding in each other and the spattering of banter throughout this fic.

It was nice to see such a genuine mix of levity and angst and a twinge of romance in this. There were definitely inklings of something more, which is why the title fit so incredibly well, but also I really like how simple this was. There was no bitterness left over and only a twinge of sadness, but mostly, I just feel all warmed and sated right now, very, very, very well done... as for my fic meme prompt! (Yes that's right, I haven't forgotten mwahaha)

LittleMender chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
There were so many lines in this I liked-it's hard to single out one or two. You kept them in character, and I liked the sweetness and promise of it. I also appreciate that there was no dam burst of emotion-they each were allowed to keep some of their secrets. A really nice piece. Thanks for the sweet read!
Jbon chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
Really gorgeous story - if only hey! Maybe one day. Can't say enough how reading this story made my day - and I was having a bad one - so thank you!
Jisbon4ever chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
You have no idea how much I loved this. Really great writing. I myself would have wanted to see something like this in the show. I felt like they just left unfinished business that I hope they talk about in this season. To be honest I'm more interested in learning about her past than his. The show tends to just deal with him and I don't think is fair for the other characters. Anyways, I loved this. The who combersation was IC and perfect. Great job.
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