Reviews for Shadow of a Doubt
dorfchaosgenie chapter 28 . 1/6/2016
That was fantastic! Again! Please never stop writing :)
jaylene.olebar.3 chapter 24 . 4/3/2015
jaylene.olebar.3 chapter 20 . 4/3/2015
ben is dead?!
no! how could you?
lunabane chapter 26 . 10/27/2014
After all that he still can't get a happy ending!
lunabane chapter 7 . 10/26/2014
What! He can't just die!
One-True-Czarina chapter 28 . 8/26/2014
Omg! More sequels! I love it! Keep writing! One of these times I'm gonna catch up to a more recent, work in progress one!
anonymous chic chapter 7 . 6/9/2014
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You. . . you killed Ben. . . Why cruel world?!
Shiroi Ichigo-chan chapter 27 . 3/6/2014
You are right though, Alex shouldn't get off, but, but! He was finally settling in and he and Wolf were so happy. You're such a mean author! *cries and leaves to read sequel*
greenwings33 chapter 28 . 12/4/2013
Kya!Kya! *Dies of fangirling*
NotaFro chapter 19 . 6/22/2013
I can no longer read this, I'm getting too caught up. I can feel my blood pressure rising. I hate Blunt. While I am disappointed I can no longer continue, I feel you should take this as compliment, I wouldn't be so emotionally involved if it hadn't been so good. I will try some of your other stories, though.
MasteroftheTides chapter 27 . 3/9/2013
You are a horrible person.
An evil genius.
I can't believe you wrote something like this and didn't even bother to give Alex a happy ending.
Why did I look up Alex/Wolf pairing?
You have succeed in making me wish I had never even heard the name Alex Rider.
I must now read every other story you have ever written.
Damn you.
MasteroftheTides chapter 12 . 3/9/2013
Well shit.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/14/2013
Asshole, you killed Ben, dafuq he's my favorite character!
Pessimistic Guardian Angel chapter 12 . 1/4/2013
I searched it up (albeit slightly briefly), and I just can't seem to find it! The part about the... breathing in water, and the like. Isn't there a Dan Brown book where he's tortured in a way like that? Not sure about that, though. And also, I've heard that there was a book with something akin to the torture method... 'The Cardinal of the Kremlin' or something like that...

But enough of that, although I really want to keep on rambling like that.

I've got questions to ask, you see:
How do you come up with the titles? They're creative... I'd never be able to think up such titles... Hmm...
How do you make your chapters so long yet so interesting? Aw, I feel like the time when I went to a signing and wanted to ask the author countless questions... I didn't even get them answered! But I digress.
Oh, and, hey, did you base any of the characters on anyone that you know in real life?
How do you come up with such interesting plot twists and ideas?

I like the way that you portray Alex in this story. I don't know why, but... Well, you... Ugh, it's kind of hard to explain :S. You make him seem human, even if he's all stony-faced and stuff. Congratulations!

I've read Past of Shadows and your other Fanfictions (fanfictions... I don't know if it should be capitalised , as well, and I'm not one for re-reading fanfictions (or Fanfictions... This is getting kind of complicated), but it's good. They're good. Ugh, this review just seems like crappy attempts at flattery. I swear that's not the point, though. Is this review long? Never mind, don't answer.

My geography homework is leering at me. I bet my mother would sneer at me, too, because she said that I would probably just go on the Internet or something instead of doing my homework. At least we didn't bet money on it. My mother is cool, but she's kind of like a... a... close friend that you exchange rude insults with.

If (IF. You don't HAVE to reply to this shitty... Sorry, CRAPPY review) you reply, then... I might not answer, but that doesn't mean that I didn't read your reply, okay?

...Um, bye!
Von chapter 27 . 12/8/2012
This is definitely a very interesting, exciting story. :) It's nice to see repercussions of MI6s crazy behaviour.

A pity they sent agents to arrest Alex - you'd think they'd be a little bit smarter about it.

I was very confused about the implied TRI with the drug thing - when was this? Childhood or teens?
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