Reviews for Bless Me Father
Udyjay chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
oh my god what.

you know, i honestly can't even begin to describe how seriously amazing this story is. let's just say, you did every. fucking. single. thing. right. im so fucking glad i stumbled across this fic. you've gained a fan.
xxRezxx chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
steamy! i love it:)
debzzz chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
Wow, this- wow. Um, I just watched the movies and I couldn't resist at least searching for a nice fic. Slash is a damn thing that sucks you right in and never allows you to see any relationship platonically. As soon as I saw he boys' tattoos on their hands (veritas and aequitas) I thought 'there must be at least one person out there who thinks these brothers should be sh*gging' hahaha.

This was amazing, really. I love how you wrote Connor's fear and hesitation, yet the need was even stronger. Really good characterisations! Thanks for sharing this!
LaughableBlackStorm chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
This was…marvellous. Seriously, you’ve got a masterpiece on your hands here. The line “The light that was too bright has dulled, his eyes used to it now and Connor can see perfectly, can see into the corners where dust lingers and dark things hide…” describes the shift in their relationship beautifully; it’s a perfect metaphor. Also, Connor’s small but dangerous thought of “I can have this” describes how simply things could change drastically, so that’s something else that you got across very effectively. :) Really, I could gush on for paragraphs, you wrote this so well! Thank you for sharing it. :)
Ningyoo chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
You are the first person in the history of the WORLD that has made tying shoelaces sexy. I don't know how you did it, but you did.

Is there some sort of award I can give you? Because I'm seriously impressed at your ability to do that! lol.

Plus, I loved the transitions! So tasteful!

Also, I love the way you described the moth to a flame. I've heard that saying more times than I could ever imagine counting and yet that's the most beautifully put way I have ever heard.
deelove1 chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
This story has it all a wonderful start a on point middle and a true BDS ending.