Reviews for Prisoner of Your Smile
TributeRusher chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
OMFG, this Fanfic it's too hot!
Erin G. Allen chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
This got really dirty really fast. Then it got really sweet. Very hot stuff. But can I just say, I lol'd at "Kendall swiveled his hips, making it sway. Logan was mesmerized..." I pictured Kendall doing the Helicopter Dick. Which sounds like something he would do. I'm rambling, but I loved it. Faved.
pandas'n'kisses chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
that was mindblowingly smexy
xXKlaineiscourageXx chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
Awesome story! I love Kogan!
smyers92 chapter 2 . 3/5/2011
i'm sorry that i'm not giving you any ideas for any of your stories. i just wanted to tell you that i would LOVE if you wrote Big Time HBO. i think it would be awesome!
prettybabycatty1109 chapter 2 . 1/29/2011
Great fic, the building up, the tension, the fact that Logan is such a dirty little slut. And fuck the handcuffing and Kendall's dominance-complex. Love it all.

But there's one thing that irks me off is that the description of the size. Don't you think it's a bit exaggerated? You don't need to have huge cock to have good sex. And if you can't fit your cock in your hand, you might want to see a doctor. Really. No kidding/flaming.
BTRlover17 chapter 2 . 12/14/2010
I would love to read all of them but especially Become aWERE of the fact that you want a vamp. :D
caohbe chapter 2 . 12/14/2010
UNF! I really want to read every single one of those.

The first two sound the best, I think.

Especially the second.

I'd also like to say how insanely awesome this story is. *o*

I've read it quite a few times and it just gets better every time.

Even though I'm not really into the whole fisting thing, I tend to just skim over that part. ;B

/looks foward to atleast one of those stories being posted/
Zyrillose chapter 2 . 12/13/2010
So... do you have an estimate of when you're gonna update Howl? I'm not trying to rush you, but... never mind... forget I said anything. xP
waterwicca chapter 2 . 12/13/2010
I would read and LOVE every single one of these lol... I'm particularly interested in Big Time HBO because, whenever I'm writing my slash series or my multi-chapter BTR story, I constantly think: I'm gonna pretend this show is on HBO or showtime where we can see all the good stuff happen lmao :D I'm looking forward to any and all of these :D
OptimisticallyHeartbroken chapter 2 . 12/13/2010 SUPER glad u decided to make a sequel to this! i loved it so much!...though i dont recall any grammar mistakes...maybe i was just too wrapped up in the plot! lol!

28? id really like to read them ALL! im actually a big fan your writing!...well only the kogans...which are half of your stories i think...BUT THATS A LOT COMPARED TO MYSELF!


i like the idea of "I'm Scared To Think That Maybe"! it makes me really really wanna know how 'mysterious' logan is!

"The Curse" sounds really intriguing! creppy, but interesting! i hope logan comes back to life...if hes already not dead! sTILl! really wanna read that.

"Big time HBO"...i usually dont like OT4's unless they end with like OT4's are hot, but i want them to end up together. still! it sounds very funny! wanna read!

"Become aWERE of the Fact That You Want a Vamp" not too hot with the jagan to be honest. im a diehard kogan person...but i really like the part about Kendall "getting rough" hahaha! but an authors gotta do what an authors gotta do right?

"Quiet Please"...merman? i wonder what the sex would be like lmao! well, i guess itd be a fun little random thing to read! sure, y the hell not? lol!

all in all: i really like the idea of the first three! but i hope i get to read all 28! u r SO going on my author's subscriptions!
milkteethbabydoll chapter 2 . 12/13/2010
omgomgomg, POST THEM ALL. I'm serious. You don't have to do them all at once, but so help me if I don't get to read each and every last one. Big Time HBO sounds nothing short of amazing. I'm a sucker for well-written MA fics of the porn variety. -shrugs- I am the suck when it comes to writers block and the like. -glances at her unfinished fic list- I want to scream and shout and DEMAND you update Howl, but if you're stuck, you're stuck. Hopefully a kind soul will post inspirational words of awesome and get you going... not me though. Because as I said, I am made of suck.

Haha, long rant is long. I am dead serious though about everything I just said (typed?). DON'T TAKE THIS REVIEW LIGHTLY. Or I'll... be upset or something.
I can see colors chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
OMFG! HAWT! lol. I think Logan and Kendall are soooo cute together 8) loved the story...FAVS *clicks button*
OptimisticallyHeartbroken chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
that was soooooo hot...normally i wouldnt find fisting hot, but u made it work...woooow.
xNomii chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
It was really hot! Though the end seemed a little forced :P
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