Reviews for Elementary
bajy chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
Again, I loved the story
poor Basil
a strong friendship between the detective and doctor
Brinatello chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
This was an extremely wonderful read; I'm glad to see more stories being submitted with everyone in character. Also, your vocabulary is very professional-sounding and your sentence structure is quite excellent. The plot itself was very intriguing: Basil having a terrible memory about a case gone wrong with another child. As they say, history repeats itself, and with both Miss Flaversham and Ratigan involved, he did NOT want a repeat of whatever happened. I am curious to know if Basil ever wants to share the information with Dawson. In other words, I'd love to read more if you have plans to do so! Good work!
DisneyPrincess chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
This was an excellent story! I love the Great Mouse Detective too, and I always wondered what set off the rivalship b/t Basil and Ratigan...I never thought of this scenario, but it's quite good. Well done!

However, if Ratigan started off as a lawyer, why is his title PROFESSOR Ratigan? Was he ever an actual instructor at a university?
nolongusedeactivate chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
This was a very charming and interesting piece. I loved the way you kept them in character especially with Basil's personality. I haven't watched that movie in ages but I certainly want to check it out again after reading this. As much as I love Pixar, there's something so enjoyable about the classic handrawn animation that you don't really see nowadays.

Great as always! XD

~Divine Arion~