Reviews for Switching Places Evangelion
pwtcmcneil chapter 6 . 7/14
I've just realized that I have an 'issue', I automatically take stories seriously. I've been reading far too many worm fics, and even the most light hearted of those are as serious as fireworks that don't go off when you light the fuse, now it's hard to take fics as anything less than serious.
macdjord chapter 14 . 6/22
Ree. Why did it have to be Ree? At least they don't have a squeaky hammer yet...
Tellemicus Sundance chapter 24 . 4/13
Huh, I thought the panties arc was weird, but this one is very quickly starting to reach that level of weirdness.

Tellemicus Sundance chapter 20 . 4/13
A Hentai Tentacle Kaiju?




Tellemicus Sundance chapter 17 . 4/13
You know, your concept of NERV getting some 'pets' like this is probably one of the most original aspects of this series I've ever seen before. I was a little confused and a bit uncertain when you first started doing it, but these past few chapters have definitely warmed me up to it. Nice work!
Tellemicus Sundance chapter 15 . 4/13
Gotta admit that Asuka's first 'introduction' to Ranma and Rei was MUCH more tame than I had been anticipating and dreading. Though it doesn't really feel like Asuka, it does still make for a nice break of the norm. Thanks for that.
Tellemicus Sundance chapter 13 . 4/12
Poor, poor Rei. She's trying WAY too hard to ingratiate herself with Ranma. I hope he figures that out and takes her aside to tell her that she doesn't NEED to do that to be his (girl)friend. But this is Ranma, he'll probably NEVER figure that out.

And poor, poor Asuka. She has no idea that her the first 'normal' person she's finally met is probably one of the strangest that've arrived yet! Heheheheh.

Very nicely done!
Tellemicus Sundance chapter 11 . 4/12


Oh my god.

That has GOT to be one of the STUPIDEST Eva Angel fights I've EVER come across!



AND I TOTALLY LOVED IT! You're really good at making original content. You know that?
Tellemicus Sundance chapter 10 . 4/12
Hehehehehehe. In a way, I ALMOST feel sorry for Ritsuko. All her dearly beloved rationale and indisputable scientific facts are getting thrown to the wayside and she's unable to cope with the changing tides.



Nope, I definitely don't feel sorry for her!

Tellemicus Sundance chapter 6 . 4/12
Oh man. Rei. That is such a Rei thing to do. Hehehehehe! I LOVE IT!
Tellemicus Sundance chapter 2 . 4/12
Hehehehe, oh yeah. That's nice. I like where this is going already! Finally! Someone realized that the key to making a proper Ranma crossover fic is that crap ISN'T supposed to make sense! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Me likey alottie!
Tellemicus Sundance chapter 1 . 4/12
Hahahahaha! Yeah, I think Shinji's FULLY deserving having a MAJOR panic attack after THAT one! Although, given how he was at the end of Eva, he might actually quite enjoy being a girl half the time. I can't WAIT to see what kinds of chaos Ranma causes in the Eva-verse!
Heaven Canceler chapter 23 . 12/12/2019
The last site would probably be best if you want to avoid as you call it "Social Crusaders"
Heaven Canceler chapter 24 . 12/12/2019
Just saw that you are planning to delete this story. Can I please ask you to not do that just because some idiot's with no life and nothing better to do than insult other people's work? I understand if you do it and it is your right, but not everyone thinks your writing is trash and I do enjoy it from time to time. Haven't read the works on this site all that much, having not expected anything to vanish and knowing that some are already gone, probably forever, is rather annoying... did you move them anywhere else I could read them sometime?

Also, have you considered moving your things to a site that has a less aggressive reader base who are more likely to give constructive feedback like Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity or if you want to do Not-Safe-For-Work things Questionable Questing?
DaMan chapter 24 . 9/20/2019
That was cool. Looks pretty dead, though. Oh well...
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