Reviews for You and Me and
Lena Liz Carter chapter 19 . 10/14
This fic is everything I never knew I wanted!
Devoured it in one go, because I think that you actually topped the actual original story. Sarcastic cynical self-deprecating asshole Norman Jayden is my new best friend that made me giggle at his inner commentary - something one does not expect when reading an angst hurt/comfort fic. And the ending, holy crap, you made it actually make sense and even though it is pretty bleak, I do believe they would be okay.
So, to sum up - this fic is amazing!
Fate's Eternal Tempest chapter 19 . 4/27/2018
I’ve always been quite fascinated with the supernatural, and it pained me that such an interesting element of the story of Heavy Rain was taken out. (Although, the game they did give us felt much more human and real without it, I will admit.) The way you wrote it (unintentionally) into the narrative was wonderful, and it soothed a bit of an ache I had ever since I discovered what the story was behind Ethan’s blackouts. Madison’s description of Ethan’s “sensitivity” caught my eye quite fast, I was intrigued from the moment I read that line. It took a bit of rereading the last part with Ethan seeing ‘not-Shaun’ to finally get what it meant, but now that I get it I think this story will go down in my book as one of the most interesting and well-written Heavy Rain stories I’ve ever read. Not just for the accidental inclusion of the supernatural element (your story is the first I’ve read to include it, as a matter of fact), but for the characterization, the emotion, the depth you bestowed upon Ethan, Norman and Madison. Even made me shed a few tears. This alternative version of Heavy Rain’s story felt so deeply real to me I almost wish it was what the game itself was. If you’re still writing now and are interested in the idea, would you ever consider making some sort of follow-up or companion story to this? I’m rather interested in seeing what Ethan’s perspective on all of this is, as well as what he makes of his “sensitivity”.
Christine chapter 19 . 8/2/2016
I know this was written years ago, but I wanted to say how much I enjoyed this story. All of the characters were well written and accurate to their game counterpart. The author's note was especially interesting - the unnecessary sex and supernatural component especially interesting.

Anyway, TL;DR - really liked it.
Crack-jouchan chapter 19 . 4/7/2016
*cough* Cage being fucking insane is a foregone conclusion. I cut my finger Hey, let's make a trial where the protagonist has to cut OFF his finger. Ethan's blackouts were supposed to be some kind of supernatural shiz, but they threw it away last minute cause suddenly inserting supernatural stuff in didn't really fit.

I'm not sure things have turned out well, really. I guess this is one of those, 'Too many cooks spoil the broth' kind of thing? Shaun can't be with his dad, Ethan is completely out of it, Madi is plagued by nightmares - as if her insomnia wasn't bad enough - and Norman... has so many things wrong it would be easier listing things that have gone right for him (are there even any?).
Crack-jouchan chapter 17 . 4/7/2016
Oh my god. Shaun. He isn't going to... that's not a hallucination, is it? Oh my god.

Holy shit, if he actually shoots the Origami Killer that will be awesome but damn, the kid will be even more traumatized than he already is. But damn, that awesome factor.
Crack-jouchan chapter 15 . 4/7/2016
Wow! Madison saved him! That's so badass!

Oh dear... I wonder how will things go from here. With all these changed factors, how will the end game be like?
Crack-jouchan chapter 14 . 4/7/2016
'Are you really an FBI agent? Are you secretly a criminal mastermind or something?' Oh Madison. You are absolutely hilarious! I love it.

Oh my god. Jayden is suffering from ARI reeeally bad. And the OK just walked in. And what happened to Madison?!
Crack-jouchan chapter 12 . 4/7/2016
'Magic sunglasses to help you fight crime.' Hahahahahaha! That description is totally hilarious, because that is EXACTLY what it is!

Ohhhh my god. Is this chapter representative for 'Solving the Puzzle'? Hmm... I hope Jayden's fine.
Crack-jouchan chapter 11 . 4/7/2016
Eh? Madi calls them for help during the Doc instead? And off they go, to the rescue! That's such a cool change.

Poor Norman, though... His body count went up. Pieces of shit they were, but he's still beating himself up badly over it!

Wow... Ethan's already at the Rat. It's pretty harmless, really, compared to the rest of the trials.
Crack-jouchan chapter 10 . 4/7/2016
Huh, what a turn. So Norman ends up being the one to kill Brad, though here its more self-defense than anything else. Poor Norman, he's beating himself up over it a lot.
Crack-jouchan chapter 9 . 4/7/2016
Ooooh. Oh yeah. Breakdown number two. And he got the lead on Jackson. Hmmmm, interesting how this story connects with the canon plot!

Norman's thoughts are so entertaining. Carpets man, carpets.
Crack-jouchan chapter 8 . 4/7/2016
Hahahahaha! Oh right, that cop whom he asked to look after Ethan and Madi's vehicles! The guy's so impressionable and naive. It's kind of sad.

*snickers* I find it hilarious how Norman's suit always gets dirty. It's a freaking suit, probably quite costly, and he's the only character that manages to regularly dirty it.

Little does Norman know letting Madi go off on her investigation is gonna bring her into contact with a serial killer. I swear, that girl is a trouble magnet.
Crack-jouchan chapter 7 . 4/7/2016
AHAHAHAHA! I didn't notice that he stole Blake's car! Oh, that's awesome. Bet he must have thrown a hell of a fit!

The thing about Ethan's knees does make sense. Bandaging without impairing movement is something that requires special knowledge, afterall.
Crack-jouchan chapter 6 . 4/7/2016
Hahahahaha! That first conversation already had me in fits! Jayden's such a joker. Madi's deadpan answers only makes it funnier.

Poor Ethan is soooo out of it. Ridiculously overprotective of the box.
Crack-jouchan chapter 5 . 4/7/2016
*snicker* I can see Madison isn't dealing well with Norman's jokes. And ahahahaha! So that's why she's been so aggressive to Norman! How embarrassing. For both of them.

Ethan is such a silly for wanting to do this himself. Granted, if he's on the train of 'I'm the Origami Killer', he'd probably feel really responsible and probably why he's doing this all alone. Of course, if he actually stopped to think, he'd realise that'd be pretty illogical... That's just a failing of his, I suppose.
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