Reviews for Second Chance
afkglkjgaskjghksdagh chapter 23 . 6/13/2011
Okay last comment lol, I didn't know that "Where are you when I need you the most" was the sequel to this o.O man Demi was messed up for leaving and coming back like she never left SMH -.-
afkglkjgaskjghksdagh chapter 24 . 6/13/2011
Oh and I've missed Love against rivalry!
afkglkjgaskjghksdagh chapter 25 . 6/13/2011
:O "Or did she" oh no you just left it as a cliff hanger! lol. But yes they got married!
asdgfh chapter 25 . 6/11/2011
awww' *_*
Person chapter 23 . 6/10/2011
Haha I love this its funny and amusing to me. And the difference between crack/pot/weed is crack is ice the more addicting and dangerous drug and weed is marajauana that can actually be used for medicine if perscribed by a doctor. Plus weed is less addicting than ice or tabacco really. Weed has 1% nicotine so ya.
ChocolateYuriObssesser chapter 23 . 6/10/2011
Great chapter... Might not've had a lotta fluff but at least our favorite girls r gettin' 2gether! Yay 4 that!(Even tho we already knew they would... :P) C u next chapter!
asdgfh chapter 22 . 5/23/2011
UGH !. this is killing me now.. i want the next chapter !

im excited miley and demi, for their plans in the dinner.. that should be good. definitely !

what the, what happened to taylor. i'm confused that she wants to forget dallas. the last time ive known she wants to go for dallas. now, she's in a mess. but dallas is there now for taylor watching her asleep on the , ooh' i hope they fix their relationship already.
Ad3n chapter 22 . 5/22/2011
Poor Taylor and Dallas! And dinner should be fun! Haha can't wait!
asdgfh chapter 21 . 5/2/2011
update update update !

fantastic. loves deserves second chances !

gulped*... i love my neck. i don think i can do that. ahha. and im happy they are willing to take the risk no matter how killing it may be.

yay! but i hope the plan would end well though.. ahha as it says' but maybe.. hope yes !

cant wait !
Ad3n chapter 21 . 5/1/2011
Hahaha that was soooo funny! Hehe
Ad3n chapter 20 . 4/16/2011
Yay Dallas is getting her Happy ending...haha Selenas going through the same problem she should know best!
asdgfh chapter 20 . 4/14/2011
wt ... F*CK!.. taylor loves you dallas.. yay' thanks to selena.. GO GET YOUR GIRL!.. both taylor and dallas. now i want happy ending for demi and miley... i miss them!... haha.. cant wait.. for the next update!.. i love this F*cking story!.. haha.. xp

love forever and always..
Ad3n chapter 19 . 4/6/2011
Can't wait for the dinner! Haha hope they show up!
asdgfh chapter 19 . 4/6/2011
"Oh shit did not think of that." we know miley we know. haha.. she's thinking but not analyzing .. funny.. lol

"Oh great."

"I got an idea."

"This will not end well."

haha.. ooh' update update'
Ad3n chapter 18 . 3/28/2011
Awww that's so sweet! I loved it!
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