Reviews for Of This World And Yesterday
Monster King chapter 30 . 4/17/2018
Great story I really liked it good job writing the story.
Lady Kimi chapter 2 . 3/29/2018
I like this so far, only thing I noticed that may be incorrect is the translation of "Are you alright?". I believe the proper form is "daijobu desuka?" Especially with someone unfamiliar, if that's right.
Sora with an S chapter 2 . 6/17/2017
I literally started reading down the list of Inuyasha crossover fanfics, looking for one that wasn't based entirely around shipping and preferably had both Inuyasha and Kagome as main characters.

Congrats on being the first to match criteria, AND for being a decent read. Thanks.
tomorrow4eva chapter 30 . 7/26/2016
That was an excellent story and an excellent crossover. Thank you for sharing!
tomorrow4eva chapter 22 . 7/25/2016
I have admitted myself with the thought of Sesshoumaru popping up, having traveled through time the old fashioned way. I imagine he'd rile up Inuyasha and then wander off instead of being useful. Really enjoying though story. You've done well working the different stories together. And I'm a big fan of Miroku and Sango visiting the future.
tomorrow4eva chapter 14 . 7/25/2016
I love how chill Jaime's mother is about everything. And her comforting words to Inuyasha at the end.
Undertheskys chapter 4 . 7/8/2016
Gotten boring me now, or maybe its cause im tired, i don't know. Maybe ill try reading this again one day but for now im not reading this anymore
kokoronagomu chapter 30 . 6/26/2016
great story! i spent the time i had off reading your story as well as other things (chores that i started but that i didn't get done) and tomorrow i get two insane, destructive, monsters dumped on me while their parents work and then nothing will get done. lol this story held my interest and captivated my imagination, thank you!
kokoronagomu chapter 29 . 6/26/2016
your battle descriptions have a poetic quality. as i read this i figured that this was the first time inuyasha would have had enough youki coming at him to use the attack, i didn't think anything wrong with when and how you added it. good job!
kokoronagomu chapter 28 . 6/26/2016
wonder why they're inside, they going to be part of an explosion worse than one when you split an atom... since you're only slightly sadistic i'm still going to believe this ends positively for all heros and for tokyo... thinking on all the destruction in tokyo happening around the senshi i am reminded of how these things are managed in an online comic called 'megatokyo' where there are agencies that take care of such occurrences since everything attacks tokyo. lol.
kokoronagomu chapter 27 . 6/26/2016
i guess one becomes more adept at breaking through the control the more times one has to... like building muscle memory. lol kagome must be a real pro at that, now hotaru. actually kagome's pulling back and holding onto her soul is something she must be really adept at also.
kokoronagomu chapter 25 . 6/25/2016
very exciting, i don't usually READ fight scenes, i usually skim them instead but there are so many nuances you put into them that one must pay attention.
kokoronagomu chapter 24 . 6/25/2016
the little bugs/evil dust bunny things... still haven't seen them doing stuff unless they're the things that are causing hotaru's malaise. all of the senshi seem to be getting targeted.
kokoronagomu chapter 23 . 6/25/2016
liked that. glad she realized that it wasn't him, then again, no one knows him like she does. i'm thinking that the really strong youkai could still be alive and untouchable like sesshoumaru.

humans have been for almost a century and still are destroying the planet... interesting that the bible in revelations says that '...he would bring to ruin those ruining the earth.' never before this last century was that even conceivable.
kokoronagomu chapter 21 . 6/25/2016
the movie with the moth from cihina who was sealed in another goshinboku type tree had kagome possessed and tsubaki had controlled her was the parallels i was thinking of in her relating to hotaru. it's all good! ;D but it's always good to talk things out and if the other person can relate it's a little easier. happiness shared is doubled and sadness shared is halved.
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