Reviews for Stealing the Devils' Treasure
kassie.n.headley chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
I absolutely adore this one shot. I can't even tell you how many times I've read and reread it. It's the perfect smut with a plot read. Whenever I read Devil's Own, right before I get to the last chapter I come to this one and then go back to Devil's Own so I can get the full experience. I love Ryoma with Gen. I hope you write a sequel to Devil's Own and Stealing the Devil's Treasure and this time make it a 4OTP with Ryoma, Shuu, Sei and Gen. I know that means Gen would have to break up with Kirihara but hey he's already cheated with Ryoma and he's Sei's play toy, it wouldn't be a far leap. I hope you can find the time to write more awesome fics.
Zephy.rose chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
I dont know why i never fav this before "bad bad zephy" ,i just love a good smuty story.
thank you for the smuty love
duchessme chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
was that the end?is this solely sanada/ryo or more?
c-leeqa chapter 1 . 3/20/2013
hahahahaha... :)
pikachu2510 chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
odd pair... buh havta say that i didnt mind ;p... really hot ;D great job D

backtorealwaysorry chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
Uhuhuhu..that was hot! Hot! HOT!
gojyo-lover20 chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
i like ryoma with atobe and fuji but this was nice too
Amaya Ishimoto chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
This is really good! Maybe you should make a sequel~
RebeccasanFujiEijiLVR chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
awesome oneshot there should be more on Sanada and Ryoma
MythplacedLogic chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
Ha, I ran straight over here from your other story. Can't wait for the Yukimura/Fuji one. As much as it will probably be totally hot sex, I get the feeling that Ryoma should have thought more before locking them together. That team-up would be epic in revenge, don't know if Ryoma's body could handle it :)
UekiKosuke chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
Dude! This was so intense! P

Me like~ :3
denizen of the night chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
.F#! ! Please tell me this is a separate fic from Devil's Own, this fic is totally independent and has nothing to do with D.O.'s plot... Cause if not, *cringes* I pity Ryoma and Sanada... They'll be facing 3 devils' wrath... Fuji, Yuki, and Kirihara... And all I can do is hope for them *or their sanity* to be safe from 2 sadistic and 1 bloodthirsty devils..
violetkisses chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
wow, awesome.