Reviews for How Seating Arrangements Saved the Day
Linnup chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
Nice. I only wish that it had happened that way. I like how a simpli thing such as a change of seats could have let light win. L wanted l to win originally, but I really hated Near after L died. Now that I think, Light wining would have made a awsome sequel series. If only...
Shintaro Kozu chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
Love it... Would like to see u continue, but it's up to u
L's-Willing-Slave chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
I swear, there are way too many awesome lines in this to refer to them all. One I liked was:

"Mogi withdrew the notebook hidden in Near's pajama top in the struggle it fell out onto the ground, open to that damning page for all to see:"

So many awesome things happened. I love how it was turned around on L.
killing u with umbrellas chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
well thats different. loved it.
Darkfire359 chapter 1 . 3/14/2011
Same complaint about alignment as Paladin, but I copy and pasted the fic into a word document to counteract it. Awesome alternate ending though, and the only one I've seen where Light can convince the others that Near is Kira.
Jedi Master Bag chapter 1 . 1/5/2011
That was brilliantly written and so well thought out... I love it.
Sonar chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
That was ratherinteresting and would of been an interesting alternate though I wonder what would of happened if Light had Takada tell Mikami to do something before hand to actually cause the deaths to happen by writing the deaths earlier if the names were leaked of the taskforce to make it seem that Kira was somewhere else and make it seem that Mikami did not have it after he sent it to someone else. Actually I liked this story and didn't except the use of sedatives to knock out Ide. Still, Matsuda as always...not a shocker with him.