Reviews for Trick or Treat
Jenn chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
That was amazing. You created a brilliant mood, and the interruption by Sealand was a nice touch.
FezQueen chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
Ahhhhhhh :D

Amazing adorablenessss!

Love them 3
ZemyxDexion chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
:D YES. UBER SUPER DUPER EXTRA SPECIAL YES: I WANT MORE! I feel like it's not done... They didn't even kiss properly! I want the vampire England and America to KISSSSSSSSSSSSS, because I'm a horrible yaoi fangirl like that and my English friend would be horrified by this... !


Okay. All done with my raving.

:D ZemyxDexion
backseat compromises chapter 1 . 11/5/2010
haha this was awesome and hilarious! lol oh gosh sealand is just... that moment was priceless haha. ohh hogwarts au! america will die of fright from all the ghosts! especially the bloody baron and nearly headless nick, haha!
Cheese-kun chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
Now this was delicious :P and so funny XDD

Gosh Vampire, non-sparkly England is just hot!
splafyoon chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
Y-you're the super awesome one, bby... Q3Q

This made me lol a lot... your America is so funny. w I wish mine was as cool as yooours. Oh and also it was pretty hot. Idk how you can keep thinking that your England isn't sexy cuz he totally is. Q3Q He's the sexiest old man ever ok.