Reviews for Home
MiniLover chapter 1 . 2/24/2016
Loved this! It was hard watching Sookie going through the pain of being away from Eric. (Especially knowing it was unnecessary.) At least she finally realized it wasn't the bond that tied her to Eric. It was great that she learned to stand on her own, that she is strong and has a wonderful gift, in her telepathy. I loved the postcards. It gave Eric a true peak into her year away and her true feelings about him and them. Terrific ending!
frlarsson chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
Loved your story and Sookie growing up, ) and taking charge,

best wishes, Linda xo
bethelove chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
That was great - hope to read more..
Duckbutt chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
FDM said she had lunch with you today, so that got me going to your site and I can't believe I missed this one. Great job...absolutely loved the postcards and got me teary-eyed.

Now...why can't CH have Sookie do this sort of thing rather than be a barmaid in a dead-end job? She makes money, travels, has Eric with her and because she's in the public eye, supes would be less inclined to kidnap her when they could just hire her...


benevolentmistress chapter 1 . 2/1/2011
i've been going through and reading all the contest entries for competitions that i've missed! (i'm new to fanfiction) and this is a favorite. i'm always interested to see a sookie and eric have their 'talk'. the post cards were so sweet. i'm glad i've found your stories!
AB Neg chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
Wonderfully written and very moving. So nice to see them together as equals.
Honeypop chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
That was fantastic, and beautifully written! I loved the postcards, they really got me choked up, and I'm so glad they talked and worked it out in the end. Perfect.
LB123 chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
That was fun. Stan always did seem kind of reasonable. Thanks!
GaijinVamp chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
Very nice story, Nic. Sookie runs, but grows and leaves her hysteria behind in Bon Temps. I like that she hasn't been threatened, or put into danger during the past year. It's proof that a contract is enough to protect her, Eric will be a gigantic bonus, and she'll be safe.
VAlady chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
This is very nice.
Vane3131 chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
Love it! Love it! More of this please
sdoodle chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
I loved it! You did such a great job of capturing their personalities. It was a cool point in canon to expand on too. The postcards were awesome. I'm so glad you're writing :)
Modiggy chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
Awww, I loved this story! It was sweet and oh so good!
Sic Vita Est chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
Loved this one-shot! :)
sluggysmom chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
I loved your story! I pretty much have a weakness for anything dealing with the talk... :)
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