Reviews for Art of Love
MentalAsHeckkk chapter 21 . 10/30/2014
Just make them kiss! Please! I've been waiting for it athis WHOLE time! Uggghhh! You are an amazing writer but you make me want to pull my hair out!
WriteAndDream23 chapter 21 . 12/6/2013
Wow! Best Perfect Chemistry fanfiction I've found! I know it's been awhile since you last updated, but I REALLY hope you'd consider returning to it. It's very well-written, kudos to you, and I think you owe it to yourself to finish it with all the hard work you put into it :) And I'd love to see how it ends. If you're still looking for ideas, I think the whole Paco helping her to find emotion in her art is a cute way for them to develop their relationship. Maybe, if you wanted to add drama, Riley needs to win money so she can go to college or pay for her ailing mother's medical bills? something like that, so she asks Paco to help her make an excellent painting to enter in a contest rewarding money to the winner. Just a thought; you've definitely done a wonderful job with your own original ideas thus far, and it's your story, so just go with your gut :) You have a talent for writing, so I'm sure you'll figure out the perfect ending. Happy writing :)
p.s. Feel free to PM me (I'm on this site, like, literally every day or so, haha) if you want help or anything. I love talking to fellow writers! Thanks for sharing such an awesome story - your plot is so original and fun, I really did love every single chapter :)
The Spirit Of Delphi chapter 21 . 11/30/2013
This is just a suggestion but you could have someone interrupt them, and maybe paco turning down Jess so she gets annoyed and frames him for something he didn't do so he gets kicked out then you could skip forward a couple of months
Spades Of Hell chapter 20 . 3/14/2013
I hope you update one day, this story is really good :D
ShelleyB chapter 21 . 1/30/2013
Describe the kiss. I was expecting there to be a description of the kiss and then they either pull away afterwards and Paco says something smexy. Or Riley could suddenly get...nervous during the kiss and pulls away which leads to a conversation about why she's so self-conscious. OR I was thinking someone was burst in on them, preferably Paco's family visiting or haha, Riley's dad :) I really hope you finish this. I was so upset when the kiss came in the next to last chapter :(
shelly28 chapter 21 . 7/25/2012
I think maybe you should have a familly day so rileys familly and pacos parents come or maybe have a field trip to an art exhibition it would be good to see them outside the camp in some wat

PS dont give up please your story is well writern an I would like to see what happens to both Paco and Riley
Erin chapter 1 . 5/7/2012
This is amazing i love this. It makes me feel like I'm reading an actual book out of the fuentes series. I know you're having trouble but it's too good to stop even if you wrote this a year ago. Sense it is established that Riley and paco have a thing give them another complication an obstacle to go through.

Ex. I'd love to see Riley meet Alex and Brittany how about they be a parents day at the camp and something happens there.

Even if that's not what you want explore different scenarios to get you out of that stuck situation, write anyways see where it'll take you another idea can spring from that.

Just remember add complications and have a way from them to get over those obstacles together.
Arugula Pacioli chapter 21 . 5/2/2012
awwww, too bad you lost inspiration, this story was actually really good:D I love your Paco he's a complete mix of his parents:D
Guest chapter 21 . 12/18/2011
im sorry but u need to finish this story! ydont u just keep going with the fighting to the point where paco cant control his emotions tht he and riley become... one... so they start dating and stuff... cliche i kmow! but pleze fiish 4 me
likeadragonfly chapter 20 . 9/5/2011
hey i was trying to think of something cuz i really love this story so,


2) after fillers something shoud happen like paco gets framed for pot, or spray painting his parents show up and are all like "PACO!" hes going to go to juvie when riley steps in and is all like, "he coudnt have been doing that cuz i was with him!" haha bad i know right... yea its a bad idea and i shouldnt post it but it'll make you think of something (no it woulnt) then you'll post sooner... this is going no were. so so so so so sorry for this...

3) please come up with a better idea then my REALLY BAD one

4) if my idea isnt as bad as i think then go right ahead...

5) am i crazy no one would use that idea.

6) is this starting to sound like im fishing for copuments? cuz im not... really!

7) well...

8) BYE!
likeadragonfly chapter 21 . 9/5/2011

well there going to get chaught... but thats disnney 2, so i dont know... paco gets sent home... ummm yeah sorry thats all i got so nothing really.
intellectualbarbiewriter chapter 21 . 9/4/2011
ratherbereading125 chapter 20 . 7/31/2011
first of all what did he say? second of all ITS REALLY GOOD! third of all WRITE MORE OF TIS STORY! and fourth, I think there should be a visitors day where riley and people at the camp get to see him with his family. I think it would be rally cute with Aina there :) (did I get his cousins name right? I always forget names)
MM chapter 21 . 7/23/2011
TGIF chapter 21 . 7/22/2011
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