Reviews for Who's Dominant Mello?
knightvalen chapter 1 . 11/25/2014
It's very right, just because being the seme doesn't mean that person will always be the dominant in relationship.
Anyway, THAT WAS FUCKING SO HOT! Hahahaa sucks for me reading this at class, I can't even jerk myself off xD
Matt was so lucky for having a lover as hot as Mello. GREAT JOB!
S'moresForMooses chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
This is one of the hottest Death Note fanfics I've ever read. Top three for sure. Please please write more like this. Other than a few mistakes editing could fix, this was flawless. The lemon was...lemony. The ultimate lemon and I loved how you described their relationship. It was just perfect, I'm already addicted. Please write more like this, you're a great writer.
Sesshy's Hime chapter 1 . 9/1/2012
somebodykillme chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
*dies happy* this was awesome. thankyou
EasternSunflower chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
That was pretty good.

A little more editing could be of use, and Mello's real name is Mihael. The size of Matt's dick in here is a quite unreasonable, and it's proven fact that a man can't pee while having an erection.

Though this is really good for a first fanfiction Nice kinks )
ShyClown chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
well that was just... WICKED! more than two thumbs way up!

it was funny and had a cute ending plus matt is a badass so right on and there's kink which was DAMN . so kudos it was awesome.

and I love the little story of the mafia before how they both are sort of each others
simply-a-freak chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
Fuck this was good ..

Dude I love the realistic side xD

and the kinky side XD

and the part where I laughed my ass off xD

and The part in the end where I can tell there's love~~

I liked it all xD

Dude you're the reason I'm gonna update my stories tomorrow

*determined look *

GOOD JOB *thumbs up *

write more stories !